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34 San Francisco Finds

From Corporate-Sponsored Landmarks to Eco Museums

— January 23, 2010 — Eco
I’ve decided to honor San Diego’s pretentious neighbor to the north with 34 San Francisco Finds. From the Golden Gate to Fisherman’s Warf San Francisco has got it goin' bossa nova.

These 35 San Francisco Finds will open your eyes to the glory that is San Francisco. Be amazed by their progressiveness and eco-friendly attitude. I’m jealous already.

Implications - Even if you can't visit San Fran anytime soon, checking out this collection of Golden Gate-inspired innovations will take you one step closer. Though I would still suggest taking a trip over there instead -- the city really is a site to see.
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Electric California Corridors
Electric California Corridors
Electric Highway Installed Between L.A. and San Francisco
Renewable Ocean Energy
Renewable Ocean Energy
San Francisco Submits Permit to Implement Offshore Wave Power Project
Citywide Eco Enforcement
Citywide Eco Enforcement
Mandatory Recycling & Compost in San Fran Makes the World Greener
Guilt-Free Eco Airports
Guilt-Free Eco Airports
San Francisco Introduces World's First Carbon Offset Kiosks
Reverse Graffiti (UPDATE)
Reverse Graffiti (UPDATE)
Now Cleaning the Streets of San Francisco
Eco-Progressive City Governments
Eco-Progressive City Governments
San Francisco Goes Green with EV Charging Stations
San Francisco May Ban Plastic Grocery Bags
San Francisco May Ban Plastic Grocery Bags
Toothpick City Scapes
Toothpick City Scapes
San Francisco in 100,000 Toothpicks
Mini Cityscapes
Mini Cityscapes
Miniature San Francisco Gets Recreated & Resized Using Recycled Materials
Celebrity Cannonball Rallies
Celebrity Cannonball Rallies
GumBall 3000 from San Fran to Beijing
Refreshing Holiday Gifts
Refreshing Holiday Gifts
San Francisco-Based Curlew Makes Artisan Candles Modern & Cool
Corporate Sponsored Landmarks
Corporate Sponsored Landmarks
Golden Gate Bridge Seeks Sponsor
Cured Meat Fanatics
Cured Meat Fanatics
San Fransisco's Bacon Camp Is All About The Love of Pork
San Francisco Positivity Conference
Clothing as a Moving Canvas
Clothing as a Moving Canvas
The 2nd Skin Exhibit in San Francisco
Wine on Tap an VinoVenu
Wine on Tap an VinoVenu
San Francisco Wine Bar
Urban Star Wars Invasions
Urban Star Wars Invasions
'Death Star' Over San Francisco
80s Icon Revived
80s Icon Revived
Mr. T Doll Exhibition In San Francisco
Mad Men Fashion Shows
Mad Men Fashion Shows
Academy of Art San Francisco Showcases Retro Looks at NYFW
Solar-Powered Hybrid Ferries
Solar-Powered Hybrid Ferries
San Francisco Evolves
San Francisco in Jell-O
San Francisco in Jell-O
Landscapes by Liz Hickok
Cookware CityScapes
Cookware CityScapes
San Francisco by Zhan Wang
Throwing Furniture From Windows As Art
Throwing Furniture From Windows As Art
"Defenestration" in San Francisco
Viral Sci-Fi Showdowns
Viral Sci-Fi Showdowns
Star Wars Death Star Destroys Enterprise from Star Trek in San Fran
Eco Iconic Billboards
Eco Iconic Billboards
Coca-Cola Goes Green With a Billboard in San Francisco
Impromptu Playgrounds
Impromptu Playgrounds
San Franciso Pranksters Install Swings on BART Trains
Life-Sized Board Games
Life-Sized Board Games
Candy Land Takes Over San Francisco's Lombard Street
Eco Museums
Eco Museums
San Francisco's Academy of Sciences
Eco Bus Stops
Eco Bus Stops
San Francisco Unveils Project for Solar Powered Transit Stations
Suspended Bridge Neighborhoods
Suspended Bridge Neighborhoods
San Francisco Toys With Numerous Bay Bridge Options
Interactive Animal Posters
Interactive Animal Posters
San Fransisco Zoo Ads
Hooking Up 2.0
Hooking Up 2.0
From San Francisco's Silent Speed Dating to Burlesque for Boys (THTV)
Shoe Jewelry
Shoe Jewelry
San Francisco's Litter Label Glams Up Pumps