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40 Piggy Bank Innovations

Inspired by the Sentencing of Ex-Banker Rudolf Elmer

— January 19, 2011 — Art & Design
This top list of innovative piggy banks was inspired by the recent sentencing of ex-banker Rudolf Elmer, who released secret client information to WikiLeaks three years ago.

If you want alternatives to putting your money away in a big bank, why not take a look through this featured list of piggy banks? This way, you wont have any bank secrets for the Rudolf Elmers of the world to expose.

Implications - Piggy banks are no longer just for children. With crazy colors and innovative designs, these piggies will give you all the bang for your buck and that much more.
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Budding Banks
Budding Banks
The Seed Safe by Marti Guixe is for Seeds, Not Coins
Violent Porcelain Banks
Violent Porcelain Banks
Piggy Bank by Furf Design Studio Wants You To Smash It
Marxist Dollar Savers
Marxist Dollar Savers
The Das Kapital Money Bank Lets You Save Like a Comrade
Bomb-Shaped Banks
Bomb-Shaped Banks
Save and Blow Your Cash at the Same Time
Coin Collecting Canines
Coin Collecting Canines
The Choken Bako Bank Has a Robotic Money Hungry Dog
Presidential Penny Banks
Presidential Penny Banks
Now Obama Can Have a Place for Change in Your Home
Headbust Banks
Headbust Banks
The 'Nea Bank' Uses a Head for Money Storage
Emergency Money Box
Emergency Money Box
Break Glass for Change
Funneled Coin Jars
Funneled Coin Jars
The COINK Piggy Bank Puts Inconvenient Coin Slots in the Past
Headless Money Holders
Headless Money Holders
The Theosaurus Piggy Bank is Unsuspecting
Robotic Money Boxes
Robotic Money Boxes
The Robot Bank is the New Way To Keep Your Money Safe
Retro Gaming Piggy Banks
Retro Gaming Piggy Banks
The Tetris Piggy Bank Keeps Your Arcade Money Safe
Penny Pincher Headphones
Penny Pincher Headphones
The imm Living 'Headphones Piggy Bank' Tightens Your Belt
Miniature Monkey Banks
Miniature Monkey Banks
Hide Your Money in this Cute Baby Milo Bank
Cement Banks
Cement Banks
'Bunker' by Dino Salvatico
Puzzling Piggy Banks
Puzzling Piggy Banks
The Rubik's Cube Bank Makes Getting to Your Change a Chore
Piggy Bank Balls
Piggy Bank Balls
Wolfgang Zender Designs Spherical Way to Save
Big Belly Dinosaur Banks
Big Belly Dinosaur Banks
The Coinosauraus Piggy Bank That Time Remembered
Kiddie Finance Tools
Kiddie Finance Tools
Money Savvy Pig Has Four Tummies to Teach Money Management
Brewing Piggy Banks
Brewing Piggy Banks
Have a Cup of Cash from the Teapot Coin Bank
Interactive Piggy Banks
Interactive Piggy Banks
The Ekomini Bank Helps Kids Learn About Money
Cutesy Banks
Cutesy Banks
The 'Piggy Bank Puzzle' Lets You Keep Your Money Safe
Gaming Piggy Banks
Gaming Piggy Banks
The Duel Saving Bank Rocks Back & Forth to Determine the Winner & Loser
DIY Breakable Banks
DIY Breakable Banks
The Intricate LEGO Safe is Made for Monopoly Money
Chalkboard Piggy Banks
Chalkboard Piggy Banks
Capitalist Pig
Visualized Piggy Banks
Visualized Piggy Banks
The Accumulator Offers a Visual Way to Save Money
Chrome Piggy Banks
Chrome Piggy Banks
The 'Pig E Bank' Tells You Digitally How Much It Contains
Geometric Piggy Banks
Geometric Piggy Banks
The Golden 'PiggyBank' by Spell Has the Midas Touch
Arcade Piggy Banks
Arcade Piggy Banks
The Arcade Machine Money Box is a Playable Way to Save Your Pennies
Taxidermy Piggy Banks
Taxidermy Piggy Banks
Harry Allen Makes Luxe Money Storers Out of Dead Pigs
Divalicious Piggy Banks
Divalicious Piggy Banks
Chic Retro Cans With Oxymoronic Savings Slogans
Grenade Piggy Banks
Grenade Piggy Banks
Military-Inspired Ceramics Keep Your Change Secure
Chewing Coin Collectors
Chewing Coin Collectors
The Banpresto Face Bank Gobbles Up Your Money
Taxidermic Treasuries
Taxidermic Treasuries
The 'Piglet Bank' Stores Your Coins in a Genuine Pig Corpse
Deceptive Piggy Banks
Deceptive Piggy Banks
Canon DSLR Camera Bank Keeps Your Money Well-Hidden
Mini ATM Machines
Mini ATM Machines
The Piggy Bank of the Millennium
Swank Piggy Banks
Swank Piggy Banks
The 'Pogo' Piggy Bank Helps the Whole Family Save Money
Coat Hanger Piggy Banks
Coat Hanger Piggy Banks
The Crunch by Vaughshannon is for Convenient Coin Storage
Piggy Banks With Panache
Piggy Banks With Panache
Unique Ways to Save Money Stylishly
Personal Piggy Banks
Personal Piggy Banks
Shapeways' Money Pig Can be Customized with Your Images