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23 Rockin' Sound Amplifiers

From Canned Guitar Amps to Garage Band PCs

— October 22, 2010 — Tech
If you're a musician who likes to rock a little harder than the acoustic guitar will permit, you need to check out these rockin' sound amplifiers.

Most of these rockin' sound amplifiers are highly portable and are made out of odd objects. You don't have to be a musician to appreciate the creativity and coolness that is a can of beans amp. Check out these amps today.

Implications - For consumers with a specific passion for something, products that feature similar qualities as well as different modifications or enhancements are very appealing. Businesses that offer a wide range of products in one particular area of interest will appeal greatly to its fans. Diversity in selection is always a reputable and beneficial trait for companies to develop.
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Canned Guitar Amps
Canned Guitar Amps
The Can of Beans Amp is Perfect for On-the-Go Guitarists
Boombox Belts
Boombox Belts
The Waistband Amplifier is Like a Musical Love Handle for Those On-the-Go
Garage Band PCs
Garage Band PCs
OPC from Orange Amps is a Fully-Functional Computer and Amplifier
Wicked Music Amplifiers
Wicked Music Amplifiers
The Momentum Monoblock Generates High Quality Sound
Mobile PA Systems
Mobile PA Systems
The Orator Briefcase for Impromptu Speeches
Amplifier Tube Lamp
Amplifier Tube Lamp
Retro Way to Evoke Your Inner Evil Genius
Aquarium Amplifiers
Aquarium Amplifiers
HARK Acoustic Transmitter Helps You Learn Through Listening
Strange Sound Amplifiers
Strange Sound Amplifiers
The 'Mint Horn' By Jongchul Kim Attaches to Earphones
Speakers That Hold Beverages
Speakers That Hold Beverages
The BoomCooler Combines Beer With Bombast
Instrumental Sound Amplifiers
Instrumental Sound Amplifiers
The Music Accordion Speakers are Perfect for All Kinds of Music
Amplified CDs
Amplified CDs
The AC/DC Collectors Set Is Packed in a Working Amp
Music Bags
Music Bags
The Fi-Hi Bags
Golf Ball Sized Speakers
Golf Ball Sized Speakers
Sony HT-IS100
Ultra Portable DJ Decks
Ultra Portable DJ Decks
Cobra-Inspired Speakers – The 'Serpent Speakers' Flex And Capture You With Sound
Cobra-Inspired Speakers – The 'Serpent Speakers' Flex And Capture You With Sound
The 'Serpent Speakers' Flex And Capture You With Sound
Speakers Designed by Musicians
Speakers Designed by Musicians
AeroSystem Home Audio System
Bang and Olufsen BeoLab 4 Speakers
Bang and Olufsen BeoLab 4 Speakers
Nouveau-Retro Speakers
Nouveau-Retro Speakers
Crystal Bling Meets Steampunked Sensibility
Boombox For Backs
Boombox For Backs
Joonas Saaranen Reppo II Backpack
Multimedia Light Bulbs
Multimedia Light Bulbs
The Slick 'Soundbulb' Speaker & the Dazzling Black 'De-light'
$200,000 Speakers Weigh 3,600 Lbs
$200,000 Speakers Weigh 3,600 Lbs
MBL 101 X-treme
Handmade Headphone Amplifiers
Handmade Headphone Amplifiers
The Asgard Offers Handcrafted Audio Nirvana
Boom Box Backpacks
Boom Box Backpacks
The Jam Session Stay-Puff Comes With Built-In Speakers