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17 Relaxation-Focused Products

From Portable De-Stressing Pods to Insomnia-Fighting Goggles

— August 30, 2017 — Lifestyle
These relaxation-focused products are made for consumers who are looking for a way to de-stress and escape in manners that are both affordable and convenient.

As many require at-home healing remedies when they've overexerted themselves at work or within other aspects of their lives, these products offer an easy and effective way to improve wellness. Although some of the included products, like the wood-scented bath accessories, are made to be used within one's home, there's also a variety that can be taken anywhere. An example of this is the 'Thync Relax Pro,' a sleep-inducing wearable that uses low electric pulses to help the user get to a deep meditative state, or to fall asleep. As many consumers have difficulty getting sleep when traveling, the Thync Relax Pro functions as a handy solution to troublesome jet lag symptoms.
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