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25 Recycled Poop Innovations

From Manure Building Bricks to Cow Pie-Powered Trucks

— June 7, 2010 — Eco
Excrement is a taboo topic in Western culture, but these recycled poop innovations show just how beneficial this waste product can be. From manure building blocks to entire homes made of poop, developing countries have long used feces as a sustainable building material.

Recycled poop innovations aren't just found in developing countries, however. California dairy farmers have developed poop-powered 18-wheelers, and in South Korea, muskrat dung is used to make a beneficial antibiotic.

Implications - The economic crisis is something that still affects the majority of consumers to this day. Buyers are always looking for products and services that makes use of products that they have easy access to. Businesses can benefit from this trend by providing services that provide this desire of recycled products.
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Energy from Manure
Energy from Manure
Biogas Technology Uses Cow Poop to Create Power
Antibiotics from Excrement
Antibiotics from Excrement
Muskrat Feces Contains Bacteria Killer and Insecticide
Pet Poop Recycling
Pet Poop Recycling
The Bokashi Pet Cycle Fermenting System Turns Pet Feces into Top-Notch Soil
When Nature Calls Uganda
When Nature Calls Uganda
Biogas From Human Poo
Fart-Powered Art
Fart-Powered Art
Nairobi Colony Uses Methane to Power Forges and Kilns
Cow Dung Innovation
Cow Dung Innovation
Scientists Transform Cow Dung Into Fiberboard
Elephant Poo Paper
Elephant Poo Paper
Scientists Make Vanilla Out of Cow Dung
Scientists Make Vanilla Out of Cow Dung
Animal Poo Coffee Knock-Offs (FOLLOW-UP)
Animal Poo Coffee Knock-Offs (FOLLOW-UP)
Prized Poop
Prized Poop
Vanillin Wins Ig Nobel Chem Prize
Cow Pie-Powered Cars
Cow Pie-Powered Cars
Dairy Farmers Pioneer Biomethane-Powered 18-Wheel Trucks
Poop-Powered Zoos
Poop-Powered Zoos
The Toronto Zoo Turns Elephant Poo into Usable Power
Energy-Generating Commodes
Energy-Generating Commodes
The Made-From-Poo Loowatt Turns Waste Into Watts
Paper from Poop
Paper from Poop
Sri Lankan Elephant Dung is Medium for Mr. Ellie Pooh Products
Dung Doors & Windows
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Bindeshwar Pathak's Poop Depot
Craptastic Cosmetics
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Chicken Poop Lip Goop
Holiday Poop Pendants
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Miller Park Zoo Creates Reindeer Droppings Necklaces
Bacteria Biofuel
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LS9 Genetically Engineered E. Coli Poops Biodiesel
Poo as a Present
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Pooptastic Street Art
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The Sprinkle Brigade Makes Delightful Displays Out of Dog Feces
Manure Furnaces
Manure Furnaces
Combustion Heater Turns Cow Dung Into Energy
Pooptastic Jewelry
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Street Poop Art
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NYC Sprinkle Brigade
Manure Building Bricks
Manure Building Bricks
Eco-Friendly Construction Materials Made from Cow Dung
Poop Coffee
Poop Coffee
Ultra Luxury Coffee Excreted From Animals