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60 Railway Transport Innovations

From Personal Metro Pods to Underwater Speed Train Concepts

— January 15, 2015 — Autos
These railway transport innovations range from personal metro pods to submerged speed trains that will change the way one looks at conventional travel. While underground subway systems are becoming more reliant on modern technology, public transit in poverty-ridden nations is also getting an upgrade and is becoming wi-fi compatible.

On the luxury train front, Asian train accommodations are beginning to resemble 5 star hotels and mansions rather than temporary vehicles that get passengers from one destination to another.

Opulent mobile hotels and submerged trains that are intended for transcontinental travel are just some of the railway transport innovations gaining attention in today's world. Other memorable examples from this list include futuristic streetcar concepts that focus on cleanliness and privacy-enhancing features.
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Railway WiFi Services
Railway WiFi Services
New Delhi Railway Station is Rolling Out Free WiFi Access
Magnet-Powered Bullet Trains
Magnet-Powered Bullet Trains
This Bullet Train Prototype Sucks in Electricity from the Tracks
Power-Generating Subway Stops
Power-Generating Subway Stops
Energy from Train Brakes to Fuel Philadelphia Grid
Opulent Train Accommodations
Opulent Train Accommodations
Hokuriku's Gold-Leafed Train Resembles a Moving Boutique Hotel
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Hyper-Fast Levitating Trains
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Retro Transit Makeovers
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Subway Safety Culverts
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The U-Roadbed is a Deep Ditch for Escaping the Impact of an Oncoming Train
Speedy Low-Carbon Trains
Speedy Low-Carbon Trains
The Priestmangoode Mercury Could Change Domestic Rail Travel
Luxe Mobile Hotel Concepts
Luxe Mobile Hotel Concepts
Japan Rail's Newest Train Caters to Travelers with Elegant Tastes
310-mph Bullet Trains
310-mph Bullet Trains
Japan Announces Plans for the World's Fastest Train
Northern Lights-Inspired Trains
Northern Lights-Inspired Trains
The Aurora Train Features an Exterior Color-Changing OLED Panel
13 Hi-Tech Subways
13 Hi-Tech Subways
From iPhone Turnstiles to Automobile-Inspired Trains
Eco Bullet Trains
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Connecticut Set to Receive $117 Billion Amtrak Super Express Train
Elaborately Patterned Light Rail
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Libya's Tramway Combines Current Tech with Ancient Deck
Quirky Curvy Subways
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Aleksandar Dimitrov Designs a Fun and Stylish Spanish Metro Car
Fast Furious Freights
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Space-Pod Taxis
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The Vectus Personal Rapid Transit Takes You to Your Destination Comfortably
Threaded Train Tracks
Threaded Train Tracks
Anatoly Unitsky's String Transport System Uses Suspended Steel Wires
Track-Laying Trains
Track-Laying Trains
The 30-Car KUHF Train Can Make Its Own Tracks On the Fly
Beef-Powered Trains
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The Amtrak Heartland Flyer Train Runs on Beef-Based Biofuel
Mosaic-Modeled Locomotives
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Super-Comfortable Subways
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Supersonic Monorails
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Runs on Rails or Roads
Underwater Transcontinental Trains
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Automobile-Inspired Trains
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Ferrari-Designed Trains
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French Design Studio hehe Imagines Urban Railroad Surfing Vehicles
Luxury Cruise Trains
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JR East Trains Has Commissioned Ken Okuyama to Design Its Latest Cars
Roadless Public Transport
Roadless Public Transport
The Maglev Public Transportation Concept by Chris Hanley
Spacious Luxury Locomotives
Spacious Luxury Locomotives
Sureot Train Maximizes Space to Ensure Ultimate Comfort
Pimped Train Travel
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Modernized 'Business-Class Trains' by Aleksandar Dimitrov
Sleek Speed Trains
Sleek Speed Trains
The Priestmangoode 'Mercury' Train Tops Off at 225 MPH
Personal Railways
Personal Railways
Russia's Leonid Murlyanchik is Building His Own Private Metro System
Luxurious Super Train Spas
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Japan's Bullet Trains Will Now Feature Hot Foot Baths
Mod Floating Monorails
Mod Floating Monorails
The Suspended Public Transit Concept Will Have You Flying to Work
Tasteful Transit Redesigns
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The Metronomie Subway Concept Has Clean and Contemporary Cars
300mph Magnetic Mass Transit
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Sci-Fi Streetcar Concepts
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Russia's R1 Tram System Features a Futuristic and Sophisticated Design
Versatile Subway Seats
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Interurban Train Seating Efficiently Accommodates Rush Hour Congestion
Split Level Streetcars
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