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32 Crowdsourced Quirky Products

The Innovative Brand Uses Group Process from Concept to Creation

— July 29, 2010 — Art & Design
The crowdsourced Quirky products gathered here are the end result of Quirky's social product development platform and process.

Quirky team and community members evaluate and contribute to submitted ideas and bring one brand new product to market each week. Once a requisite number of items have been ordered though Quirky pre-production sales, Quirky products are produced and delivered to customers.

Implications - Crowdsourcing has become the latest innovation for businesses to get the most out of their new products. By asking the people what they want in their products, consumers can have a better connection with the brand. Businesses should be more into crowdsourcing to give their consumers a better brand experience.
Watering Can Helpers
Watering Can Helpers
Bucket Buddy Lets You Do Your Plant-Watering Chores With Ease
Community-Driven Creations
Community-Driven Creations
'Quirky' Lets People Decide What Will be Made and Sold
Personal Luggage Scales
Personal Luggage Scales
Use the 'Weigh To Go' to Weigh all Your Heavy Suitcases
Cup-Hugging Spoons
Cup-Hugging Spoons
Quirky MugStir is a Curvy, Colorful Cup Companion
iPod Steadying Gadgets
iPod Steadying Gadgets
New Nano Gets Support From Quirky Kickster
Peace-Producing Pen Storage
Peace-Producing Pen Storage
The Pen Zen Organizer Calms Desktop Clutter
Matrimonial Memory Storage
Matrimonial Memory Storage
Split Stick Double-Sided USBs for His and Hers Data
Cable Caps
Cable Caps
Character Topped Clips for Storing and Organizing USB Cables
Touch Screen Finger Pins
Touch Screen Finger Pins
Digits Conductive Pins Cure Your Winter Touch Screen Blues
Doggie Doo Bag Leashes
Doggie Doo Bag Leashes
The Kosoku Retractable Dog Leash is Convenient and Practical
Crowdsourced Citrus Juicers
Crowdsourced Citrus Juicers
With JUS, Just Squeeze, Pour, and Store
Light Bulb Alarms
Light Bulb Alarms
The Philips 'Quirky' Time Alarm Clock Adds Style to Your Bedside Table
Scratch-n-Scroll Doesn't Let You Forget Your To-Do List
iPad Lap Desks
iPad Lap Desks
‘Quirky Cradle' Makes Internet Surfing Comfortable
Personal Food Bars
Personal Food Bars
Quirky 'Travelstacks' Let You Pack, Stack, and Travel With Snacks
Crowdsourced Window Gardens
Crowdsourced Window Gardens
Quirky Stem Garden Goes From Design to Production in 24 Hours
Crowdsourced Cold Weather Toys
Crowdsourced Cold Weather Toys
Play It Cool with the Snow Shredder Winter Sled
Weebling Toothbrushes
Weebling Toothbrushes
The Bobble Brush Holder Keeps Toothbrushes Upright
Quirky Cord Management
Quirky Cord Management
'Cordies' is a Crowdsourced Cable-Holding Device
Fold-Out Shopping Carts
Fold-Out Shopping Carts
The Quirky Crowdsourced 'Go Caddy' Hand Truck is Super Convenient
Adjustable Power Strips
Adjustable Power Strips
Pivot Power is a Creative Outlet Strip that Changes Shape
Arm Strap Gym Bags
Arm Strap Gym Bags
Quirky Fit Kit Sports Case Lets You Carry Life's Essentials While Exercising
Small Scale Water Harvesting
Small Scale Water Harvesting
'Petal Drops' Repurposes Plastic Bottles for Rain Collection
Crowd-Designed Techcessories
Crowd-Designed Techcessories
The Quirky Cloak May Be the Trendiest iPad Case Yet
Crowdsourced Countertop Composters
Crowdsourced Countertop Composters
Keiro Compact Food Grinder Helps Compost Kitchen Scraps
Keyboard Garages
Keyboard Garages
The Spacebar Provides More Space, More Ports and Less Clutter
Clever Trash Cans
Clever Trash Cans
The Quirky 'Stashcan' Keeps Extra Garbage Bags Handy
Compact Camera Tripods
Compact Camera Tripods
DigiDudes are Keychain Tripods With Bodacious Attitude
Customizable Pocket Knives
Customizable Pocket Knives
The Switch Modular Pocket Knife is Perfect for Playing MacGyver
iPhone Case Stands
iPhone Case Stands
The Quirky iPhone 4 Tilt Case Keeps Your Phone Safe in Style
Transforming Kitchen Utensils
Transforming Kitchen Utensils
Click ‘N Cook Modular Spatula System Has Interchangeable Heads
Smart Tea Mugs
Smart Tea Mugs
The Steeper Keeper's Slotted Handle Prevents Tea Tags from Being Brewed