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37 Prosthetic Inspirations

From USB Replacement Fingers to Energy-Recycling Prosthetics

— May 2, 2011 — Tech
These prosthetic inspirations are incredible ways that science and technology professionals are attempting to restore some of the capabilities of people with missing body parts. It's hard to imagine what life would be like without a leg, arm or hand.

Each of these prosthetic inspirations does what it can to make sure that everyone can function and participate in most everyday activities and more. Whether it's simply walking again or competing in an Olympic event, the prosthetic inspirations in this list will give you the hope to know that it is possible.

From USB replacement fingers to energy-recycling prosthetics, these prosthetic inspirations are far better than the wooden pegs from the pirate days. Science and technology is making the world a better place for everyone.
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Prosthetic Ice Axes
Prosthetic Ice Axes
Phil Myers' Axe-Hands are Made Specially for Handicapped Mountaineers
Prosthetic-Like Scoopers
Prosthetic-Like Scoopers
The HandTrux Shovel Can Dig Moats and Pick Up Dog Poop
Curious Musical Prosthetics
Curious Musical Prosthetics
The Serendiptichord Device Encourages Interaction for Sound
Prosthetic Paws
Prosthetic Paws
Oscar the Bionic Cat is the First Feline to Get Two False Legs
Cyborg Boots
Cyborg Boots
Michigan Engineers Take Us One Step Closer to Bionic Feet
Pinching Prosthetics
Pinching Prosthetics
Stephen Stum Simplifies the Prosthetic Arm for More Practical Uses
Tattooed Plywood Limbs
Tattooed Plywood Limbs
MartinaLIMBS Allows You to Buy Prosthetics With Tattoos
Realistic Bionic Hands
Realistic Bionic Hands
The Bebionic Hand Looks Amazingly Real and Responsive
Thought Controlled Bionic Arm
Thought Controlled Bionic Arm
Revolutionary Bionic Hands
Revolutionary Bionic Hands
Touch Bionics Unveil 'i-LIMB Pulse' Bluetooth-Accesorized Prosthesis
Lifelike Bionic Hand
Lifelike Bionic Hand
The Touch Bionics i-LIMB
Cyborg Prosthetics for Humans
Cyborg Prosthetics for Humans
The Eye-Mounted Webcam
High-Tech X-Finger Replaces Lost Digits
High-Tech X-Finger Replaces Lost Digits
Energy-Recycling Prosthetics
Energy-Recycling Prosthetics
Artificial Foot Makes Walking Easier for Amputees
Prosthetic Lungs
Prosthetic Lungs
Respiratory Aids to Wear Around Your Waist
Prosthetics for the Poor
Prosthetics for the Poor
JaipurKnee Project's $20 Artificial Knees to Developing World
Prosthetic Limb Looks
Prosthetic Limb Looks
Kiev Fashion Designer Elena Burenina Incorporates Prosthetics
Bilateral Amputee Makes Controvercial Bid for Able-Bodied 2008 Olympics
Bilateral Amputee Makes Controvercial Bid for Able-Bodied 2008 Olympics
USB Replacement Fingers
USB Replacement Fingers
Finnish Techie Has Handy Device Embedded In Prosthetic
Robotic Legs For Amputees
Robotic Legs For Amputees
Iraqi Vet Goes Bionic Thanks to MIT
Prosthetic Phalanges
Prosthetic Phalanges
The Touch Bionic 'ProDigits' Offer Advanced Dexterity for the Disabled
Bionic Animal Innovation
Bionic Animal Innovation
Hi-Tech Surgery Provides Prosthetic Paw to Footless Pooch
Bespoke Prosthetic Limbs
Bespoke Prosthetic Limbs
Scott Summit Offers Customized Options for Artificial Legs
Enhancing Arm Prosthetics
Enhancing Arm Prosthetics
The 'METIS Bionic Prosthesis' Offers a 360-Degree Range of Motion
Robotic Prothesis Artwork
Robotic Prothesis Artwork
Captaincripple's Terminator Leg Provides a Great Conversation Starter
Amputee Fins
Amputee Fins
The Neptune Swimming Aid Will Make a Dolphin Out of You
Prosthetic Arms for Wounded Soldiers
Prosthetic Arms for Wounded Soldiers
Dean Kamen's Luke Arm Demo
3D-Printed Limbs
3D-Printed Limbs
The Ecko Unltd Prosthetic Leg is Perfectly Functional
Prosthetic Arm Fashion
Prosthetic Arm Fashion
Huseklepp 'Immaculate' Design Makes Prosthetics Functionally Hip
Stylish Artificial Limbs
Stylish Artificial Limbs
Outfeet by Aviya Serfaty is a Fashionable Prosthetic Leg
Bionic Dogs
Bionic Dogs
Maltese Puppy With Front Wheels, Not Paws
Prosthetic Race Controversies
Prosthetic Race Controversies
Aimee Mullins Confronts Athletic Advantage & Disability
Alienesque Prosthetic Arms
Alienesque Prosthetic Arms
Kaylene Kau Designs a Unique Limb for Handicapped Individuals
From Amputee To Mermaid
From Amputee To Mermaid
A Tale Of A Tail
High-Tech Prosthetics
High-Tech Prosthetics
Colin Matso's Design for Nike Enables the Disabled
Athletic Designer Prosthetics
Athletic Designer Prosthetics
The Adidas Symbiosis Provides More Organic Movement
Fashionable Prosthetics
Fashionable Prosthetics
Una Burke's Constricted Creations Are Inspired by Medical Braces