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29 Potato Innovations

From Spudtastic Cutlery to Evolved Tater Toys

— July 19, 2009 — Unique
The humble potato is revered as a staple in our diets, but there's far more to this starch than just sustenance. The potato is also a material that can be used for biodegradable cutlery and rain coats; potato sack fashion has strutted down some of the hottest runways in seasons past.

Check out these potato innovations and more below.

Implications - Mr. Potato Head has been around ever since I was a kid and you can still see them on the shelves today. I think that the reason the toy is still selling is that it has evolved throughout time to keep up with the ever-changing consumer world. Making a popular movie version of the toy such as Transformers Potato Head is an excellent idea to keep kids interested.
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Manly Manuscripts
Manly Manuscripts
Thomas Fink's ‘The Man's Book' About Fire, Potato Guns
Rock Hard Potatoes
Rock Hard Potatoes
Secrets of Dutch Concrete
Childhood Toys Evolved
Childhood Toys Evolved
Tater of the Lost Ark is the New Mr. Potato Head
United Nations Promoting Safety
United Nations Promoting Safety
China Plays with Spuds for Int'l Potato Year
Wheels Made Out of Potatoes
Wheels Made Out of Potatoes
Environmentally Friendly Race Car
Pontiki Pods
Pontiki Pods
Beyond Mr Potato Head
Inventing Your Own Potato Chips
Inventing Your Own Potato Chips
Walker's Flavour Contest
Potato Sack Frocks
Potato Sack Frocks
Dries Van Noten Fall 2009 Goes for Baggy and Beige
Cross-Promotional Toys
Cross-Promotional Toys
The Mr. Potato Head Transformer, 'Optimash Prime'
Eco Potato Cutlery
Eco Potato Cutlery
Blamestorming, Mouse Potato and Swipeouts
Blamestorming, Mouse Potato and Swipeouts
Technology Inspired Lingo
Bid on a Heart-Shaped Potato
Bid on a Heart-Shaped Potato
Spuds on eBay
Potato Head Armies
Potato Head Armies
Hundreds of Old-School Toys Fill Barney Store Windows
Burger King Potato Snacks
Burger King Potato Snacks
Fries In Your Cupboard
Potato Sack Street Fashion
Potato Sack Street Fashion
Baggy, Podgy Dresses Mark Miu Miu Fall '09 RTW
Potato Tent Pegs
Potato Tent Pegs
Glastonbury Goes Green(er)
Sustainable F3 Racecars
Sustainable F3 Racecars
Warwick's Carrots-and-Potatoes Car Runs on Chocolate
Biodegradable Rain Gear
Biodegradable Rain Gear
The Plantable Potato Raincoat is Educational & Eco-Friendly
Witty Chauvinistic Ads
Witty Chauvinistic Ads
Speechless Potato Heads for Bridgestone Tires
Spudtacular Viral Ad
Spudtacular Viral Ad
McCain Potato Parade
Jovial Root Vegetables
Jovial Root Vegetables
Fancy Dress For Mr Potato Head
Dynamite Potato Art
Dynamite Potato Art
Spud the Graffiti Artist Shows at the Baitshop in Toronto
Microwave Potato Chips
Microwave Potato Chips
The Chip Maker For DIY Low-Fat Mouthwatering Snacks
Potato Sack Fashion
Potato Sack Fashion
A.F. Vandevorst's Understated Vision for Fall 2009
Asianizing Potato Chips
Asianizing Potato Chips
Cool Packaging at Japanese Design Show
Mashed Potato Cones
Mashed Potato Cones
Aunt Bessie's All-Weather Alternative to 99 Flake
Potato Portraits
Potato Portraits
Ginou Choueiri Turns Root Vegetables into Works of Art
Potato Gun Contests
Potato Gun Contests
Spud-Launching Science
Potato Jewelry
Potato Jewelry
Spudz Necklaces