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23 Frightening Porcelain Pieces

From Submerged Hand Coffee Cups to Insect-Infested Dishware

— March 11, 2014 — Art & Design
Sculpted porcelain pieces have been around for thousands of years and it’s traditionally seen as a material that’s quite feminine and delicate by nature; however, these creations totally shatter these notions. These porcelain pieces stray from conventional patterning in favor of prints derived from oddities like greasy fingers and insects. Skulls and the transformation of traditionally pretty porcelain dolls into gruesome sculptures is another hallmark of these porcelain remixes.

Since these creations skirt traditional notions of beauty when it comes to porcelain, some of the designs have a unique aesthetic that flirts with being just downright unattractive. Instead of being sleek and slender, some of the porcelain pieces take on chunky, rotund forms that appear to be anything but delicate.
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Greasy Fingerprinted Plates
Greasy Fingerprinted Plates
Finger Prints Collection Features Fine White China with Grimy Marks
Macabre Floral Print Skulls
Macabre Floral Print Skulls
Dan Elborne Creates 'Skull & Bullets' for the Store THRILLS
Culture-Clashing Tableware
Culture-Clashing Tableware
Kim Joon's Plate Art Mixes Western Rock Bands with Dinnerware
Toliet-Themed Shot Glasses
Toliet-Themed Shot Glasses
The Mini Toilet Shot Glasses Provide Pumbling for Your Patron
Faux-Motion Flower Holders
Faux-Motion Flower Holders
The Rosenthal Mini-Vase Fast is Chicly Illusory
Creepy Skeletal Ashtrays
Creepy Skeletal Ashtrays
Charles Krafft Partners with Erik Brunetti for a Skull Ashtray Design
Vicious Aquatic Blade Sharpeners
Vicious Aquatic Blade Sharpeners
Sharpen your Knives with the Chomping Shark Knife Sharpener
Elegant Weaponry Dishes
Elegant Weaponry Dishes
These Ceramic Plates by Trevor Jackson Have Images of Flowers and Guns
Realistic Melting Ceramics
Realistic Melting Ceramics
Artist Livia Marin Has Created a Series Of Melting Porcelain Pieces
Insect-Infested Dishware
Insect-Infested Dishware
Chitins Gloss by La Philie s Revoltingly Classy
Unformed Figurine Sculptures
Unformed Figurine Sculptures
TRANS by Kohei Nawa Involves Scanning and Texture Mapping
Chubby Bouquet Bottles
Chubby Bouquet Bottles
The Sid & Chad Vases Display Beautiful Blossoms from Their Big Bellies
Meat-Dressed Porcelain Dolls
Meat-Dressed Porcelain Dolls
Mark Ryden’s Porcelain Meat Dress Revives One of His Paintings
Wanton Ceramic Figurines
Wanton Ceramic Figurines
Artist Richard Ankrom Combines Cute and Kinky
Provocative Porcelain Figures
Provocative Porcelain Figures
Jessica Stoller Exaggerates the Objectification of Female Bodies
Lady-Shaped Perfume Bottles
Lady-Shaped Perfume Bottles
The Blow Me Perfume Bottles by Rebecca Wilso are a Bit Creepy
Bizarre Toilet-Themed Eateries
Bizarre Toilet-Themed Eateries
The Magic Restroom Cafe Serves Meals in Toilet-Shaped Bowls
Skull Floor Installations
Skull Floor Installations
Nino Sarabutra's Exhibition is Comprised of 100,000 Porcelain Sculptures
Hand-Inked Mannequins
Hand-Inked Mannequins
The Inky Bodies Sculptures Detail Models with Intricate Ink
Crustacean-Inspired Tea Sets
Crustacean-Inspired Tea Sets
Feel Closer to the Sea with the Mary O'malley Ceramics Collection
Tentacled Teacup Collections
Tentacled Teacup Collections
Bottom Feeders by Mary O’Malley is Fit for Davy Jones
Spooky Salvaged Dolls
Spooky Salvaged Dolls
This Repurposed Doll by L.Cerrito will Haunt your Halloween
Submerged Hand Coffee Cups
Submerged Hand Coffee Cups
These Halloween Mugs Will Spook Unsuspecting Guests