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20 Pop Culture Tattoos

From Fantasy Cat Meme Tattoos to Marvel Motorcycle Tattoos

— August 24, 2014 — Unique
If you're looking to make a more permanent statement about your penchant for mainstream media, then these pop culture tattoos will definitely do the trick.

With viral videos and Internet memes taking over the web, public displays of appreciation are an efficient way for individuals to showcase their savvy media awareness. These creative tattoos however, are taking pop culture appreciation to a whole over level, offering consumers the chance to permanently engrave a comical image or movie reference right onto their skin. Showcasing that there really are no bounds when it comes to pop culture involvement, these tattoos allow fans to boldly express their love for all things media-related.

From tattoos that reference the Star Wars franchise to those that feature Disney princesses, these examples are showcasing how dedicated modern fans really are.
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The Weird Al 'Another Tattoo' Video Lets You Laugh at Body Ink
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Fantasy Cat Meme Tattoos
This Grumpy Cat Darth Vader Tattoo is a Pop Culture Mashup
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Richard 'Bez' Beston of Triplesix Studios Recreates Labyrinth
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These Tattoos Inspired by Childhood Books are Imaginative and Poignant
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These 'Hunger Games'-Inspired Tattoos Are Out of This World
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Pop Culture Temporary Tattoos
TATTOOTATTAA Temporary Tattoos are for Commitment-Phobe Hipsters
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Tim Shumate has Created Edgy Disney Princess Tattoo Designs
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Dazzling Disney Tattoo Designs
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