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25 Playful Pinball Innovations

From Pinball-Based Art Projects to Arcade Furniture Creations

— January 24, 2013 — Tech
This list of pinball innovations highlights the most cutting-edge creations to come about as a result of the classic arcade game. Many of us grew up playing the addictive arcade must-have, which is what makes the various modifications and updates so heart-warming.

In addition to modern technological updates, pinball has been the focus of a number of viral marketing campaigns as well as the center of numerous art-based projects. Some have taken old machines and retrofitted them as pieces of furniture to keep the spirit of the game alive. Moreover, avid pinball wizards can continue playing without the large arcade inhabitant because a few companies have created tablet add-ons that simulate a scaled down gaming experience. Whether you're an avid fan of the little silver ball or just appreciate a good throwback, these pinball innovations will have you scouring the couch for quarters.
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Humanized Arcade Games
Humanized Arcade Games
Person Pinball Replaces Pinballs and Bumpers With People
Real-Life Retro Gaming
Real-Life Retro Gaming
The Pinball Machine Skate Park Brings the Classic Arcade Game to Reality
Playable Tweeting Apps
Playable Tweeting Apps
The Evian Melotweet App Lets Users Interact via Musical Droplets
Voodoo Pinball Characters
Voodoo Pinball Characters
Rocksauce Studios Presents a Slightly Creepy Design
Heavy Metal Arcade Apps
Heavy Metal Arcade Apps
AC/DC Pinball Will Have Fans Playing All Night Long
Superhero Pinball Machines
Superhero Pinball Machines
The Stern 'Iron Man' Home Cabinet is for Hardcore Fans
Rock 'n' Roll Arcade Games
Rock 'n' Roll Arcade Games
The Rolling Stones Pinball Machine is a Fun Tribute
Auto Pinball Promotions
Auto Pinball Promotions
'The Parisian Pinball Park' Does Not Award Excellence
Chaotic Pinball Art
Chaotic Pinball Art
Sam van Doorn Creates Chaotic Art Using Pinball Physics
Pinball-Based Art Projects
Pinball-Based Art Projects
Sam Van Doorn's STYN Turns Quick Reflexes into Stunning Works of Art
Arcade Game Add-Ons
Arcade Game Add-Ons
Pinball Magic Turns Your iPhone into a Working Pinball Table
Battle-Bot Arcade Games
Battle-Bot Arcade Games
Rack up the Points Cyberton Style with the Transformers Pinball Machine
Na'vi Gaming Machines
Na'vi Gaming Machines
The Avatar Pinball Machine is a Playable Recreation of Pandora
Arcade Appcessories
Arcade Appcessories
Pinball Magic for iPads Transforms the Tablet Back to Classic Gaming
Portable Arcade Tablet Apps
Portable Arcade Tablet Apps
The iPad Pinball Game Console is Like a Mini Arcade Machine
Ultimate Mind Games
Ultimate Mind Games
The Brain-Controlled Pinball Machine at the ceBIT Technology Fair
Classic Game Upgrades
Classic Game Upgrades
The Nike World Cup 'Write the Future' Digital Pinball is Totally Awesome
Retro Gamer Diners
Retro Gamer Diners
The Pinball Cafe Brings Back Old-School Games
Toy-Inspired Retro Games
Toy-Inspired Retro Games
The LEGO NXT Pinball Machine is for Building and Pinball Wizards
Pinball Projections
Pinball Projections
The Sony 3D Projection is Themed "Imagine Football in 3D"
Electric Magnetic Foosball
Electric Magnetic Foosball
Kick It
Arcade Furniture Creations
Arcade Furniture Creations
The Pinball Coffee Table Brings the Arcade to Your Living Room
DIY Pinball Tables
DIY Pinball Tables
Seamster Uses Scraps to Create Ultimate Arts & Crafts Project
Life-Sized Pinball Machines
Life-Sized Pinball Machines
Modular Exhibits New Lighting in an Innovative Way
Techno Tables
Techno Tables
A Computer Converted into a Partytastic Countertop