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18 Pet-Featuring Portraits

These Precious Pet-Themed Materpieces are Paws-itively Perfect

— February 10, 2014 — Art & Design
Every animal lover needs a piece of pet-themed artwork in their home and these precious pieces couldn't be anymore appropriate.

These amazing pieces of artwork couldn't be anymore adorable and/or humorous. They are perfect for those allergy-having animal lovers who would love to have an array of pets but literally can't stand to be near them. These pet-themed portraits feature felines in the place of highly famous royal family portraits as well as in various stunning sci-fi scenes alongside notorious celebrity characters. Super hero-themed pet portraits make a great addition to any children's room because of their bright colors and delightful humor.

These marvelous masterpieces will add a touch of love and playfulness into any room of your home and might even make your pets happy too.
Digital Pet Art
Digital Pet Art
The Computational Imaging Art by Jeremy Rotsztain Looks at Pet Obsessions
Graffiti Pet Portraits
Graffiti Pet Portraits
'I Love Posh Pets' Clients Can Immortalize Their Loved Pooch
Celebrity Pet Portraiture
Celebrity Pet Portraiture
Ruth Marcus Combines Your Cat and Favorite Famous Person
Feline Royalty Renderings
Feline Royalty Renderings
Melissa Hartley Depicts Members of the Cat Species in Regal Clothes
Buccaneer-Inspired Pet Portraits
Buccaneer-Inspired Pet Portraits
These Customized Pet Portraits Transform Your Pet Into a Pirate
Fictional Feline Art Exhibits
Fictional Feline Art Exhibits
This Cat-Themed Art Show Depicts Many Artistic Perspectives of Cats
Surreal Pet Portraits
Surreal Pet Portraits
Brandi Marie Little Creates Personified Animal Paintings with an Edge
Super Pet Portraits
Super Pet Portraits
'Pets are Superheroes' Provides Drawings of Your Pooch as a Comic Character
Tattooed Pet Portraits
Tattooed Pet Portraits
Anita Kunz Depicts a Cat & Dog with Impressive Oriental Body Art
Hybrid Humanalistic Canine Photography
Hybrid Humanalistic Canine Photography
Sebastian Magnani Truly Brings Pet and Pet Owner Together
Crafty Canine Collages
Crafty Canine Collages
Samuel Price's Pet Portraits are Made Using Recycled Magazines
Cat Disguise Masterpieces
Cat Disguise Masterpieces
This Cardboard Kitten Art Collection is Hilariously Clever
Personalized Pet Illustrations
Personalized Pet Illustrations
Whimsical Animal Portraits by J Penry
Ancestor Pet Portraits
Ancestor Pet Portraits
Valerie Leonard Makes Your Pooches Look Princely
Pop Art Pet Portraits
Pop Art Pet Portraits
Immortalize Your Pooch With an Original Masterpiece
3D Pet Portraits
3D Pet Portraits
Personalized Felt Dog Toys
Theatrical Pet Portraits
Theatrical Pet Portraits
Susan Herbert Infuses the World Of Shakespeare With Some Feline Flair
Abstract Dog Art
Abstract Dog Art
Heather Galler Creates Adorably Colorful Canine Prints