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25 Depictions of Natural Disasters

From Hurricane Irene Footage to Volcanic Ash Photography

— September 1, 2011 — Eco
It may just be the incessant media attention devoted to them, but natural disasters across the globe seem to be on the incline. While most shy away from the perils of these events, many artists see them as an opportunity to capture rare footage and commemorate moments in history through their risk-infused works.

Whether it's through video, photography or even fashions made from debris, the artistic possibilities are endless when nature is the canvas. The inspiration for many artists does not just stop at the event itself, but use their art to address the social and lifestyle implications of such events as well as the impact of mass media frenzy.

Implications - While consumers are regularly exposed to mass media coverage of natural disasters, the artistic representation is a drastically different one that is often more realistic as it is not subject to many of the same biases.
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