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24 Examples of Multifunctional Technology

From Cyborg Cycling Protectors to Tweeting Refrigerators

— January 27, 2015 — Art & Design
The objects in people's lives are converging in exciting ways as this collection of multifunctional technology shows. As social media and smart devices become an integral part of every day activities, it's only natural that companies and designers would make an effort to streamline their products and services for efficiency and convenience.

Multifunctional technology might adhere strongly to a focus on power, specifically keeping devices charged while also performing another task, yet this arena has been expanding exponentially over the last few months. From televisions that grant access to the Internet to refrigerators that send a tweet every time its opened and even a projected stove top that keeps cooks connected to social media and email accounts, multifunctional technology touches on a variety of tasks.
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Acoustic Aluminum Mobile Docks
Acoustic Aluminum Mobile Docks
The Stage 5 Speaker Dock Charges Multiple Devices with Sound
Weather-Resembling Lamps
Weather-Resembling Lamps
The Patch of Sky Lamps Reflect the Mood Outside
Tweeting Refrigerator Stunts
Tweeting Refrigerator Stunts
This LG Fridge Sends Out a Tweet Whenever It is Opened
Multifunctional Solar Lamps
Multifunctional Solar Lamps
Portable Light Design with Use of Solar Energy as the Main Source
Coffee Brewing Fridges
Coffee Brewing Fridges
The GE Cafe Series Comes with an Integrated Keurig Machine
Web-Ready TVs
Web-Ready TVs
The Cello iViewer Brings Online Media Direct to Your Living Room
Beach Bag Boomboxes
Beach Bag Boomboxes
The Audio Wrap Makes it Easy to Bump Your Tunes at the Beach
Multifunctional Heating Devices
Multifunctional Heating Devices
This Hand Warmer From Canoe Charges Your Phone and Lights the Way
Cyborg Cycling Protectors
Cyborg Cycling Protectors
The Smart Hat Helmet Boasts a Boxy and Futuristic Design
Projected Countertop Stoves
Projected Countertop Stoves
The Whirlpool Interactive Cooktop Begins with a Blank Canvas Kitchen
Minimalist Multifunctional Computers
Minimalist Multifunctional Computers
The Vizio All-In-One PC is a Complete Entertainment System
Device Charger Lights
Device Charger Lights
The Hodge Podge USB Lamp by Arik Levy is Multifunctional
Time-Telling Lights
Time-Telling Lights
The Illuminate Stand Pulls Double Duty as a Desk Lamp and Clock
Rechargeable Clothes Carriers
Rechargeable Clothes Carriers
The Hanger USB Charger Recharges Your Gadgets in the Closet
Multifunctional Relief Radiators
Multifunctional Relief Radiators
Stove by Kazuaki Hibino Improves Survivors' Health and Happiness
Tech-Enhanced Sideboards
Tech-Enhanced Sideboards
The 'Luxurite Cabinet Door TV' is Your Entertainment All-in-One
Dish-Washing Light Fixtures
Dish-Washing Light Fixtures
Kim Joonmin Designs a Combination Dishwasher-Chandelier for Electrolux
Unusual Hi-Tech Beds
Unusual Hi-Tech Beds
Balluga's Smart Bed Has an Unconventional Shape & Lots of Tech Capabilities
Washing Machine Wardrobes
Washing Machine Wardrobes
A Laundering Closet Cleans Delicate Clothes Conveniently While They Hang
Hi-Tech Hydration Units
Hi-Tech Hydration Units
The S2 Water Appliance Takes Care of All of Your H20 Drinking Needs
Hi-Tech Sliding Reflectors
Hi-Tech Sliding Reflectors
The Open Mirror by Digital Habit(s) Has a Dock for iPhones
Tag-Scanning Clothes Washers
Tag-Scanning Clothes Washers
Smart Chime Washing Machine Ensures You're Following the Directions
Multifunctional Desktop Organizers
Multifunctional Desktop Organizers
The iStick is the Best and Easiest Way to Organize Your Desktop
Multifunctional Hi-Tech Keychains
Multifunctional Hi-Tech Keychains
The iMpulse Game Controller & Key Finder Makes Life Easier