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27 Memory Boost Innovations

From Memory Loss Photography to Reminder Wristwatches

— November 6, 2009 — Lifestyle
As I get older, it scares me that slowly my mind will deteriorate to the point that I become consistently forgetful. And with technology supplying us ways to remember things, it can actually work against us rather than for us. Huh? Well, if we don’t exercise our minds, how are we supposed to be able to remember anything? Yet I understand the need for memory boost innovations.

This cluster is filled with some of these memory boost innovations. Not only does it highlight helpful technologies, it also has some powerful messages as well.
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Blank Ads
Blank Ads
Alzheimer's South Africa: Remember Who They Were
Bad Memory Erasers
Bad Memory Erasers
In The Future, Popping A Pill Could Wipe Out a Painful Past Forever
Presidential Forget Me Nots
Presidential Forget Me Nots
Obama Memorabilia To Celebrate Inauguration Day
RFID Tool-Finders
RFID Tool-Finders
DeWalt & Ford Trucks Team Up for Tool Link for Forgetful Workers
Helmet May Reverse Dementia
Helmet May Reverse Dementia
Scientific Research on Memory
Softdrinks rot your teeth and ... boost your memory?
Softdrinks rot your teeth and ... boost your memory?
Don't Forgetography
Don't Forgetography
Erin Hanson Photographs Friendly Reminder Messages
Contraception Via SMS
Contraception Via SMS
The PillBell Reminder
Reusable Bag Reminders
Reusable Bag Reminders
Bagnesia Creates Home-to-Store Kit for Forgetful Bag Owners
Suspended Memory Bureaus
Suspended Memory Bureaus
Cedar Chest Lets You Remember All Your Adventures
Floss Reminder
Floss Reminder
Relays Info To Your Dentist
Forgetful Advertising
Forgetful Advertising
Algozone Pain Reliever Campaign Omits All Associations With Pain
Guiding Game Pieces
Guiding Game Pieces
The Intuitive Chess Set Helps You Remember All the Moves
Reminder Wristwatches
Reminder Wristwatches
E-Pill Pediatric Watch Alerts When It's Medicine Time
Smart Stick-On Notes
Smart Stick-On Notes
Electronic Version Of The Popular Post-It-Type Reminders
Nursing Reminder Bracelet
Nursing Reminder Bracelet
Scratch-n-Scroll Doesn't Let You Forget Your To-Do List
The Forget-Me-Not Door Organizer
The Forget-Me-Not Door Organizer
Powerful Alzheimer's Ads
Powerful Alzheimer's Ads
Saatchi & Saatchi Exposes Tragedy of the Disease
Memory Loss Photography
Memory Loss Photography
'Dementia' is a Deep & Insightful Diorama of Old Age
Emotion-Sensitive Bags
Emotion-Sensitive Bags
LadyBag Helps the Forgetful
Never Miss a Call or Forget Your Phone
Never Miss a Call or Forget Your Phone
BluAlert Vibrating Bluetooth Wristband
Disposable Sunglasses
Disposable Sunglasses
Fun Plastic Grid Shades for Forgetful Fashionistas
Nokia Digital Pen
Nokia Digital Pen
Recall What You Write!
Wrist-Worn Reminders
Wrist-Worn Reminders
'Mnemonic' by Ming Kiang Tan Thwarts Forgetfulness
Watches for Alzheimer's
Watches for Alzheimer's
The Keruve 2010 GPS Wristwatch is Discrete and Reliable
Remember Ring
Remember Ring