From the Meghan Fox Tribute Tattoo to Mickey Rourke to Stormy Editorials
Zoe Badley — June 16, 2010 — Pop Culture
Say what you'd like about Megan Fox but the girl is without a doubt one of the sexiest celebrities to have ever graced the big screen. Even though there's been controversy over her recent split from 'Transformers,' the Megan Fox tribute tattoo to Mickey Rourke is now the latest fiasco everyone is focusing in on.
Whether she's acting, getting a harmless tattoo or just looking pretty, Meghan Fox is someone who people can't help but buzz over. From recycled magazine covers to vinegar weight loss, and now the Meghan Fox tribute tattoo to Mickey Rourke, the girl is talked about virtually everywhere. Here's just a few favorite Megan Fox features.
Whether she's acting, getting a harmless tattoo or just looking pretty, Meghan Fox is someone who people can't help but buzz over. From recycled magazine covers to vinegar weight loss, and now the Meghan Fox tribute tattoo to Mickey Rourke, the girl is talked about virtually everywhere. Here's just a few favorite Megan Fox features.