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33 Health Care Automations

Medical Robots and Simulations Train Caregivers and Heal Patients

— September 8, 2010 — Tech
Medical robots and simulations are high tech solutions to health care problems and their sheer number and range of application is amazing.

From training caregivers to assisting in rehabilitation and therapy, medical robots and simulations have become an important part of modern-day medical practice. Not only do they save lives and make care-giving easier, they often provide greater precision and better results than humans can without their help.

Implications - With many countries experiencing a graying population and soaring health costs, medical automation holds the potential for more immediate response, fewer medical errors, and lowered health cost. All of these factors contribute to a long shelf life for medical automation .
Psychotherapist Robots
Psychotherapist Robots
Computer Aided Healing
Computer Aided Healing
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy Assists With PTSD Treatments
Video Game Physicians
Video Game Physicians
XBox 360 Chip Can Provide Sufficient Power for Heart Simulations
Surgery In Space
Surgery In Space
Zero Gravity Surgery One Step Closer (Follow Up)
Breast Biopsy Robots
Breast Biopsy Robots
Future Robots May Do Surgery on Their Own
Blender-Like Virtual Doctors
Blender-Like Virtual Doctors
The RP-7 Robot is a Round-The-Clock Physician
Human-sized Android
Human-sized Android
Advantage to Nurses and Healthcare
Virtual Wives for Weight Loss
Virtual Wives for Weight Loss
Nagging Spouse Diet Reminders
First Aid for Pets
First Aid for Pets
Red Cross Classes for First Responders to Animal Emergencies
Revolutionizing Intravenous Nanotechnology
Revolutionizing Intravenous Nanotechnology
Self-Powered Microbeads
Robot Masseur
Robot Masseur
WAO-1 Massage Machine
Blood Sucking Robots
Blood Sucking Robots
The Bloodbot is a Highly Trained Surgical Instrument for Extracting Samples
Glowing Baby Bots
Glowing Baby Bots
'Yotaro' Interactive Robotic Infant for Parents-In-Training
Ready to Serve Hospitals by 2010
Tiny Robot Performs Medical Treatment
Tiny Robot Performs Medical Treatment
Robotic Dental Patient
Robotic Dental Patient
Japanese Simroid Responds to Pain
Robots that Pee
Robots that Pee
METI Human Patient Simulator
Robot Nurses
Robot Nurses
3D Medical Simulators
3D Medical Simulators
PerioSim for Dental Students
Robotic Prescription Filling
Robotic Prescription Filling
'Intellifill IV' Uses Barcodes
BEAR Robot Can Pick Up and Rescue Soldiers
BEAR Robot Can Pick Up and Rescue Soldiers
Robot Animal Therapy
Robot Animal Therapy
Paro the Mechanical Baby Seal Helps Sick & Elderly Heal
Schizophrenia Simulations
Schizophrenia Simulations
Officers Trained With Virtual Hallucinations
Human Voice Robots
Human Voice Robots
Robotic Mechanical Mouth Helps Hearing-Impaired Improve Articulation
Dentists as Gamers
Dentists as Gamers
Virtual Reality Used to Simulate Dental Implantations
Robot-Staffed Hospitals
Robot-Staffed Hospitals
A Scottish Hospital is Using Robotic Nurses for Mundane Tasks
Newborn Puppy Bots
Newborn Puppy Bots
Rescue Critters Pet Manikins Help Train Animal Care Providers
Pregnant Robot Gives Birth
Pregnant Robot Gives Birth
Training Device for Med Students
Hair Transplant Robot
Hair Transplant Robot
Restoration Robotics Help Docs Plug Heads
Birthing Dolls
Birthing Dolls
Handmade Brazilian Toy is an Eco-friendly Way to Teach About Motherhood
Nurse Robots
Nurse Robots
RIBA Assists and Interacts with Humans