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23 Modern Magazine Holders

From Colossal Office Supply Shelves to Plaited Periodical Storage

— October 20, 2015 — Art & Design
These modern magazine holders provide unique ways to keep clutter out of sight. Although many people use digital devices to read the latest issue of their favorite publication, others prefer the physical experience of reading a new magazine. These handy magazine racks provide an easy way to keep the latest issues close at hand.

These days, magazine holders are integrated with common household furniture. Instead of creating stand-alone devices that take up extra space, designers are simply adding extra storage to existing items. Some of these home furnishings that also double as magazine racks include daybeds, coffee tables and even toilet paper holders.

Not only are modern magazine holders a practical storage solution, but they are also chic pieces of home decor. Rather than simple and boring finishes, these contemporary pieces feature bold and unexpected designs. For examples, there are magazine racks shaped like wooden logs, antique tricycles and even toy dogs.
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Hybrid Magazine Wine Racks
Hybrid Magazine Wine Racks
Incurva by Mario Pagliaro is Doubly Practical
Handled Book Holders
Handled Book Holders
The Contemporary-Looking Alfred Magazine Rack is Easily Moved Around
Skewed Stack Mag Racks
Skewed Stack Mag Racks
Lucien Gumy's Magazine Rack Arranges Piles of Reading Materials Upright
Dangling Magazine Storage
Dangling Magazine Storage
The Float Magazine Rack is a Creative Way to Display Good Reads
Slit-Middled Surfaces
Slit-Middled Surfaces
Mizo Table Has a Flat Top and a Deep Slot for Storing All Sorts of Things
Cord Mag Holders
Cord Mag Holders
This Threaded Magazine Rack Stretches for Increased Stability
Sculptural Reading Storage
Sculptural Reading Storage
Alessi's Blow Up Bamboo Collection Magazine Rack is Sculpturally Shaped
Modern Snack Tables
Modern Snack Tables
This White Snack Table is Perfect for Kids Or the Bedroom
Literary Framework Furnishings
Literary Framework Furnishings
The Therese Coffee Table Becomes Complete with the Storage of Books
Hollowed Log Ledges
Hollowed Log Ledges
This Rounded Magazine Rack Has Been Designed Like Half of a Smooth Timber Beam
Dog Shaped Shelving
Dog Shaped Shelving
This Transparent Magazine Holder Keeps Books Stored in Its Acrylic Folds
Functional Slotted Furnishings
Functional Slotted Furnishings
Ypsilon Tables Have Forked Legs That Serve to Store Assorted Items
Antique Tricycle Libraries
Antique Tricycle Libraries
The See-Clo Combines Vintage Objects into a Playful Contemporary Shelf
Colossal Office Supply Shelves
Colossal Office Supply Shelves
Store Your Magazines in the XL Clip Magazine Rack
Enormous Folder Furnishings
Enormous Folder Furnishings
The Tasca Storage System Provides an Unusual Stashing Solution
Plaited Periodical Storage
Plaited Periodical Storage
Mag'Z Magazine Rack Has Many Pleats for Stashing Your Reading Materials
Retro-Modern Storage Tables
Retro-Modern Storage Tables
CB2's SAIC Sling Nightstand is a Functional Place to Store Magazines
Modern Multifunctional Chairs
Modern Multifunctional Chairs
The Woodieful Stool Also Doubles as a Side Table and Magazine Rack
Oak Multi-Functional Daybeds
Oak Multi-Functional Daybeds
The Pulse Daybed Has Several Capacities
Geometric Dual-Purpose Furnishings
Geometric Dual-Purpose Furnishings
This Angled Coffee Table Doubles as a Magazine Holder
Practical Tissue Shelves
Practical Tissue Shelves
The InTeam Toilet Paper Holder Stashes TP and Reading Materials
Unique Utilitarian Tables
Unique Utilitarian Tables
The WF Magazine Side Table Boasts an Industrial Rawness and Versatility
Geometric Multi-Tasking Tables
Geometric Multi-Tasking Tables
This 3-in-1 Small Pet Bed is Held Together Using One Elastic Band