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30 Examples of Liberating Cuban Art

From Punctured Plain Sculptures to Che Guevara Portraits

— January 16, 2015 — Pop Culture
The Cuban people have great spirit, through times of peace and especially in times of great conflict, oppression and poverty. These recent pieces of liberating Cuban art take a great variety of different forms, expressing the creative flames within this colorful country in the West Indies. In light of recent political decisions to free prisoners and discuss trade and travel with the United States, this collection captures the paradoxes and the power behind individual voices and an entire population.

Art collectives like Los Carpinteros and the Fabrica artist community have gotten attention beyond their Caribbean home for some years now, creating thought-provoking political art. Installations and performance art have stimulated exchange, emotion and change, while graffiti, traditional painting and photography have provided raw, honest and intimate looks into the lives of Cuban people. Perhaps more of the world will soon discover the influential work of Yoan Capote, Jose López Pardo and the much-admired Tomas Sanchez.
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Boozy Graphic Novels
Boozy Graphic Novels
The Spirit of Bacardi Historic Graphic Novel Illustrates the Brand's Origins
Explosive Graphite Cloud Formations
Explosive Graphite Cloud Formations
A Collection of Graphite Drawings on Canvas by Pardo Lopez
Graphite Aviation Drawings
Graphite Aviation Drawings
Jorge López Pardo's Monochromatic Plane Drawings Take Flight
Politically-Charged Art Exhibits
Politically-Charged Art Exhibits
Irreversible by Los Carpinteros is Gritty and Unexpected
Moving Melancholic Illustrations
Moving Melancholic Illustrations
The Angel Boligan Drawings Are Dark and Haunting
Retro Militant Collages
Retro Militant Collages
The Bunker Series by Maria Martinez-Canas and Rafael Domenech
Decaying Structure Photography
Decaying Structure Photography
Havana by Michael Eastman Captures Old World Architecture
Surreal Everyday Sculptures
Surreal Everyday Sculptures
Yoan Capote's Work Addresses Political and Psychological Aspects
Enchanting Avian Art
Enchanting Avian Art
Juan Travieso Creates Contemporary Paintings of Birds & Other Creatures
Punctured Plane Sculptures
Punctured Plane Sculptures
The Avião Installation Combines Old Tech with New
Captivating Caribbean Candids
Captivating Caribbean Candids
The ‘Cuba' Editorial by Jorge Carrion Captures True Cuba
Provocative Child Abuse Photography
Provocative Child Abuse Photography
Los Intocables by Erik Ravelo Addresses a Harsh Reality
Iconic Debris Portraits
Iconic Debris Portraits
These Crushed Watercolor Artworks by Borja Martínez Feature Famed Sub
Paradise Landscape Paintings
Paradise Landscape Paintings
Tomas Sanchez Depicts Wonderous Locations Through His Art
Satirical Camouflage Photography
Satirical Camouflage Photography
Adonis Flores Gives the Military an Artistic Aesthetic
Endless High Heel Sculptures
Endless High Heel Sculptures
Yoan Capote Uses Everyday Objects to Make an Artistic Statement
TV-Centric Cubanography
TV-Centric Cubanography
Simone Lueck Captures Odd and Candid Images
Architectural Hybrid Illustrations
Architectural Hybrid Illustrations
These Geometric Sculpture Watercolors Blur Perceptive Lines
Cuban Capital Captures
Cuban Capital Captures
Francisco Mata Rosas Depicts Havana in a Strange Light
Charcoal Wall Murals
Charcoal Wall Murals
Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada Creates Massive Murals for Anonymous Heroes
Fascinating Fish Hook Murals
Fascinating Fish Hook Murals
'Isla' by Yoan Capote is an Intricate Composition
Alluring Havana Photography
Alluring Havana Photography
This Cuba Photo Series Shows an Authentic View of the Country
Courageous Graffiti Commemorations
Courageous Graffiti Commemorations
Cuban Revolution Survivors are Immortalized Through Street Art
3D Phonebook Art
3D Phonebook Art
Telephone Directory Carvings by Alex Queral
Upside Down Photography
Upside Down Photography
Abelardo Morell's Camera Obscura Pictures
Re-Imagined Iconic Paintings
Re-Imagined Iconic Paintings
Cesar Santos' Ability to Transform Historic Art is on Full Display
Sensual Yarn Installations
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The 'Lana Sutra' Exhibition Opens in Benetton Stores Globally
Respectful Transgender Photos
Respectful Transgender Photos
The 'Reassign' Photo Series Captures Transgendered Cubans
Funny Art Furniture
Funny Art Furniture
Los Carpinteros Creates Thought-Provoking Installations
Sublime Dance Photography
Sublime Dance Photography
Peter Hapak Captures the Passion of Cuban Ballet Dancers