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40 Morning-After Necessities

This List Has Everything You Need for Your Post-Las Vegas Hangover

— May 22, 2013 — Tech
If you’re planning on taking a road trip with some rowdy friends through some party-heavy cities this summer, you’ll definitely be in need of some of these Las Vegas hangover remedies to ease your post-party pain.

Wearable hangover cures can be placed on your wrists to defeat the nausea and headaches so unfortunately common after a fun night out. Robotic hand massagers relieve some of your sub-dermal hangover tension while the towering breakfast creations will fill your stomach with greasy goodness—perfect for the recovering partier.

All of this can be done in the glow of soft spectrum illuminators, which are the perfect level of brightness for a victim of the hangover. The house-shaped lounge bed will also give you a comfortable place to sleep off your nighttime mistakes.

These products are perfect for your post-Las Vegas hangover and will hopefully let you experience a fun night out without having to think about how you’ll feel in the morning.
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