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36 Killer Aircraft Concepts

From Heliboarding Choppers to Futuristic Jet Fighter

— June 29, 2011 — Autos
If you are interested in seeing what the future of aviation will look like, then you are definitely going to want to browse through these killer aircraft concepts. Each of these aircrafts have been designed for the near to far-off future and feature everything from eco-friendly engines to advanced interiors.

If you think having a touchscreen entertainment center mounted to the headrest of the seat in front of you is fancy, you are going to be blown away by all of the commercial aviation innovation found here. Fans of advanced military aircraft will also get a kick out of all of the crazy helicopter and jet concepts being dreamed up by DARPA and other freelance designers. Trust me when I say that you don't know cool until you see a flying Humvee.
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