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23 Kickass Citroen Cruisers

From Hybrid Limo Concepts to Motorcycle Cars

— October 13, 2010 — Autos
If you're a fan of French automobiles, then you'll love clicking through all of these kickass Citroen cruisers. This compilation of cruisers pays tribute to the often forgotten and newly revived Citroen automobile company.

These kickass Citroen cruisers feature some of the coolest cars of recent memory such as the Citroen-Lacoste concept car and hybrid-limo concept. Check out these wicked features to see the French side of automobile innovation today.

Implications - We live in a contemporary society that places a premium on innovation and being the first to create products. Companies can generate the kind of excitement associated with ingenuity by investing in different concept products. Despite the fact that many concept products never make it to fruition, they draw attention from the media, consumers, and a general public interested in technological development. The long-term benefits outweigh the cost.
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Globe-Trotting EVs
Globe-Trotting EVs
Electric Citroen Berlingo Makes Shanghai-Paris Trip on Batteries
Squinting Window Vehicles
Squinting Window Vehicles
The Citroen GQ Concept is Sleek and Stylish, and Knows It
Virtual Test Drives
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Luxury CARafes
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Pink-Rimmed Racers
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The Citroen Survolt Concept Brings a Touch of Femininity to Manly Wheels
True-Life Playstation Supercars
True-Life Playstation Supercars
Muscular 'GTbyCITROEN' From Gran Turismo 5 Now a Reality
Game-Inspired Supercars
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Wrecked Cars as Street Art
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Grecian Guerrilla Beautification
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Captivating Concept Cars
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Cute Clothier Cars
Cute Clothier Cars
The Citroen Lacoste Concept Vehicle is Full-Throttle Fashionable
Motorcycle Cars
Motorcycle Cars
Francois Knorreck Designs a Two-in-One Vehicle