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22 James Franco Finds

From Planet of the Apes Rises to Commemorative Knives, Franco Does it All

— July 28, 2011 — Pop Culture
For years James Franco has been the talk of the town for his ability to have his hands in just about everything, and this collection of James Franco finds will only further that reputation. As we dive deeper into Hollywood blockbuster season, we're a mere few weeks away from one of the summer's most highly anticipated, 'Planet of the Apes Rises,' which is top-lined by Mr. Franco himself.

In this collection of James Franco finds, we examine some of the more interesting endeavors the Yale/Columbia/NYU/Brooklyn College student has been involved in. They range from the standard celebrity (magazine covers, perfume ads) to the offbeat (tribute knives) to the 'can't look away' level absurd (heavily made up and dressed in drag).

Sit back, relax, and enjoy this collection of James Franco finds, highlighting the one-of-a-kind swagger of a true 21st Century movie star.
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Apocalyptic Blockbuster Commercials
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