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33 Ingenious iPhone Cases

Protecting Your Baby, From Louis Vuitton to Mario and Luigi

— August 13, 2009 — Tech
With the pretty price tag attached to the iPhone and iPod, it is probably a good idea to equip that bad boy with a formidable iPhone case.

This collection of iPod and iPhone cases features high-end cases from Louis Vuitton, disguised cases like mint containers and cassette tapes, waterproof cases and even eco-friendly cases.

The iPhone case is a vital part of the technological masterpiece and believe me, there are plenty to choose from.

Implications - With so many new gadgets coming out each day, modern consumers are looking for ways to make their own device stand out. Products that allow for personalization appeal to shoppers who want to express themselves through their purchases.
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iPod Covers for Carnivores
iPod Covers for Carnivores
Ruby Pod Rare
Hymn Book Becomes iPod Cover
Hymn Book Becomes iPod Cover
Worship at the Church of Apple
Beach-Proofing the iPod
Beach-Proofing the iPod
Allsop's Splash Pack DriPod
Waterproof iPod Cases
Waterproof iPod Cases
AquaTune Encases both MP3 Player and Speakers
iPod Case Made of Your Pet's Hair
iPod Case Made of Your Pet's Hair
VIP Fibers & Fur Ever Yarn
Multi-Purpose iPod Covers
Multi-Purpose iPod Covers
Nano Kick Stand is a Photo Frame & Necklace
Waterproof iPod Case
Waterproof iPod Case
Tunes While You Surf
Disguise Your Ipod Nano as a Candy
Eco iPod Case
Eco iPod Case
Jimi Nano
Fake Cassette Cases
Fake Cassette Cases
Contexture Design Creates Retro-Style Holders for iPod Nanos
iPod Hoodie
iPod Hoodie
Gadget Sweatshirt
iPod Covers
iPod Covers
Stylish or Stupid?
Underwater iPod Cases
Underwater iPod Cases
The iDive 300
Luxury iPod Traveling Cases
Luxury iPod Traveling Cases
iCase by Pinel & Pinel
iPod Case For Old Ladies
iPod Case For Old Ladies
Old Walkman As iPod Camouflage
Old Walkman As iPod Camouflage
Vain iPhone & iPod Touch Cases
Vain iPhone & iPod Touch Cases
iShield Mirror
Galactic iPod Wallets
Galactic iPod Wallets
The Silver Krusell Apple Ipod Nano Music Remix Case
Artistic iPod Covers
Artistic iPod Covers
10 iPod Styles by 'People Like Us'
GelaSkins for the iPod
GelaSkins for the iPod
iPod Got Wood
iPod Got Wood
Gorgeous Handmade Wood Cases
Pool-Ready iPod Cases
Pool-Ready iPod Cases
Bring Your Music in the Water With the Sanwa Waterproof Bag
Snakes on iPhone
Snakes on iPhone
Chloe iPhone Case
Wood Gadget Cases
Wood Gadget Cases
Wanxinda iPod Case
90% Recycled iPod Case
90% Recycled iPod Case
Imoeba is Ethical & Stylish
Fake Wood Phones
Fake Wood Phones
The HunterGather Slider iPhone Case Mocks Mother Nature
Louis Vuitton's iPhone cases
Louis Vuitton's iPhone cases
Steampunk iPod Cases
Steampunk iPod Cases
Neal Bridgens Gives His MP3 Player an Old-School Makeover
Classic Video Game Crafts
Classic Video Game Crafts
The NES iPhone Case is a Nostalgic Necessity
iPhone Cases for Gearheads
iPhone Cases for Gearheads
Case-Mate ‘Vroom Tire Tread Pattern' for iPhone 3G
Steampunked Smartphones
Steampunked Smartphones
The EXOvault iPhone Case Gives a Vintage Sense of Security
Cassette iPod Cases
Cassette iPod Cases
Retro MP3 Case From 45's Disguises Your Gadgets
Teen Vampire Memorabilia
Teen Vampire Memorabilia
From Life-Size Robert Pattinson Cut-Outs to iPod Cases