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Top 75 Internet of Things Ideas in October

From Blazing Smart Candles to Leak-Detecting Devices

— October 9, 2016 — Tech
The top October 2016 Internet of Things ideas are vast in their ability to convenience the lives of consumers. Some of the predominant themes that can be seen are the smart abilities of unassuming household items, as well as a focus on home security and quality.

The 'LuDela' is one of the more significant examples of IoT taking over products that most would not apply connectivity features to. LuDela is a smart candle that can be controlled with an accompanying app and sensors that make the candles extinguish its own flame in the event that it is knocked over.

An example that speaks to the shift towards smart devices focusing on home quality is the 'Lyric' water detector. The device is connected to an app and when it detects water or moisture in its vicinity, it sends a notification to homeowners. Connected devices such as this ensure that people are able to regulate their home systems, anticipate when a problem may arise and resolve it before it becomes a significant issue.
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Sound-Sensing Camera Remotes
Sound-Sensing Camera Remotes
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Engagement-Encouraging Apps
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