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28 Illusory Graffiti Displays

From 3D Illusion Chalk Drawings to 3D Dark Knight Designs

— April 16, 2014 — Art & Design
These illusory graffiti designs are showcasing the immense talent that these artists exhibit as they creatively blend chalk designs and graffiti displays into their surrounding environments.

While graffiti is often associated as defamatory artwork, there's no denying the raw and amazingly detailed techniques that these street artists exhibit. These illusory displays in particular, showcase how artists are able to creatively turn ordinary imagery into wonderfully misleading visual imagery. Seeking to blur the lines between what is real and what isn't, these graffiti displays are able to challenge ordinary perception and encourage onlookers to dig deeper into what they think they actually see.

From Super Mario chalk art to hallucinatory street art, these illusory graffiti displays are taking simplistic street art to the next level by incorporating more imaginative qualities into the overall design.
Eclectic Angular Paintings
Eclectic Angular Paintings
Augustine Kofie Uses Angles and Colour to Magnificent Effect
Playfully Intercepting Graffiti
Playfully Intercepting Graffiti
These Road Work Interceptions by Peter Gibson are Quirky
Mischievous Prank Kits
Mischievous Prank Kits
These Hand Stickers By Joseph King are the Perfect Practical Joke
3D Tech Illusion Graffitti
3D Tech Illusion Graffitti
The ‘Robot’ by TSF Crew is Magical
3D Dark Knight Designs
3D Dark Knight Designs
Batman Street Art in Madrid for the Premiere of the Dark Knight Rises
3D Illusion Tape Installations
3D Illusion Tape Installations
Artist Aakash Nihalani Transforms City Walls into 3D Installations
Illusory Hovering Tree Art
Illusory Hovering Tree Art
This Cleverly Painted Art on Trees Augments the Tree's Appearance
Mobile Graffiti Canvases
Mobile Graffiti Canvases
Artist Never2501 Paints Zebra-Like Wasps Onto the Back of a Truck
Witty Urban Augmented Graffiti
Witty Urban Augmented Graffiti
Brad Downey’s Eclectic Mix of City Art Installations Provide
Arcade-Inspired Graffiti (UPDATE)
Arcade-Inspired Graffiti (UPDATE)
'3D Super Mario Chalk Art' by Chris Carlson is Hyper-Realistic
Vibrant Eye-Popping Murals
Vibrant Eye-Popping Murals
Marchal Mithouard Dazzles with Lively Paintings That Blow Your Mind
Cardboard Estate Paintings
Cardboard Estate Paintings
The EVOL 'Repeat Offender' Series is Illusionary and Deep
3D Illusion Bird Murals
3D Illusion Bird Murals
This Aakash Nihalani 'Unconered' Mural is a Brooklyn Beauty
Shadowy Street Art
Shadowy Street Art
'The Night Shadows' Project by Michael Neff Highlights New York City Darkness
Illusory Anti-Graffiti Ads
Illusory Anti-Graffiti Ads
TransPerth Adds Handcuffs to Train Seats
3D Super Mario Chalk Art
3D Super Mario Chalk Art
Chris Carlson Creates Nintendo Characters That Pop Out of the Ground
Metaphysical Street Art
Metaphysical Street Art
The Miha Artnak 'Layers' Photo Series Questions Reality
3D Chalk-Block Battles
3D Chalk-Block Battles
Planet Streetpainting Created a LEGO Version of Terracotta Army of China
Chalked Shadow Street Art
Chalked Shadow Street Art
Ellis Gallagher Brings the Streets of New York to Life
Illusory Death Traps
Illusory Death Traps
British Waterways Commissions Street Art to Slow Reckless Bikers
Living Street Paintings
Living Street Paintings
Alexa Meade Takes Graffiti Art into Another Dimension
Compassionate Alien Street Art
Compassionate Alien Street Art
David Zinn Sluggo Chalk Art is Adorably Altruistic
Urban Illusion Immersion Paintings
Urban Illusion Immersion Paintings
Massive 3D Street Art by Edgar Muller
Pavement Illusions (UPDATE)
Pavement Illusions (UPDATE)
3D Drawings On Concrete Canvas
Hallucinatory Street Art
Hallucinatory Street Art
The Optical Illusion Graffiti of Mimmo Rubino Plays Tricks on the Eyes
3D Illusion Chalk Drawings
3D Illusion Chalk Drawings
3D Illusory Graffiti
3D Illusory Graffiti
Chalk Ice Age Hits Ireland With Incredible Ice Crevasse
3D Floor Murals
3D Floor Murals
10 Incredible Optical Illusion Designs to Floor Your Friends