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75 Hybrid Charging Devices

These Chargers Meet Your Need for a Charge with Even More Functionality

— August 22, 2015 — Art & Design
A charger has become a staple to carry around, but with these hybrid charging devices you can meet multiple needs with one device.

It's almost a given that if you're having a busy day, your smartphone is not going to last off one charge. People have incorporated every avenue of society, whether it be social, informative or entertainment, into the smartphone experience and this is going to drain your battery.

Thankfully, there are a ton of chargers that are available that can save the day but also serve other purposes as well. Whether it be a fashion accessory, an eco-friendly device or a exercise-based incentive, there is a wide selection of hybrid charging options that will keep you connected through the day.
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Conducive Mobile Charging Stations
Conducive Mobile Charging Stations
The 'JUMP' is a Charging Solution for Your Busy Lifestyle
Lightning-Fast Mobile Chargers
Lightning-Fast Mobile Chargers
The eQUICK Mobile USB Battery Charger Provides True Mobility
Miniature Laptop Chargers
Miniature Laptop Chargers
The Finsix Dart is the World’s Smallest and Lightest Laptop Charger
Smartphone-Charging Pouches
Smartphone-Charging Pouches
This iPhone-Charging Pouch Keeps Your iPhone Safe and Charged
Dual Device Chargers
Dual Device Chargers
This Ventev Powercell 5000 USB Charger Makes Use of Multiple Ports
Speed-Focused Portable Chargers
Speed-Focused Portable Chargers
Bracketron’s Snap2.0 Chargers Deliver Record-Breaking Speeds
Portable Clinging Cable Carriers
Portable Clinging Cable Carriers
The Popcord is a Smartphone Cable You Won’t Forget
Neon Phone Chargers
Neon Phone Chargers
Nokia DT-903 is a Flashy Charger that Glows Bright Colors
Multi-Device Power Stations
Multi-Device Power Stations
The Bluelounge Sanctuary4 can Charge Up to Four Devices at a Time
Discreet Wireless Charging Pads
Discreet Wireless Charging Pads
The iQi Mobile Cuts the Cord on the iPhone 5
Waterproof Solar Chargers
Waterproof Solar Chargers
The sCharger-8 is the Perfect On-the-Go Charger for Your Smartphone
Compact Laptop Chargers
Compact Laptop Chargers
Zolt is Touted as the Smallest and Lightest Charger Ever
Backup Battery Chargers
Backup Battery Chargers
The Nomad Charging Cube Doubles Up as a Second Battery Pack
Quirky Disney Gadgets
Quirky Disney Gadgets
These Classic Disney Figurines Charge Phones With Their Backsides
Intergalactic Phone Chargers
Intergalactic Phone Chargers
This R2 Astro Droids Charger Will Zap Your Phone Back to Life
Stylish Charging Devices
Stylish Charging Devices
The FlexCharger Can Charge Fives Devices Simultaneously
Hyper-Fast Phone Chargers
Hyper-Fast Phone Chargers
The LithiumCard HyperCharger Charges Devices in the Blink of an Eye
Ingenious Phone Batteries
Ingenious Phone Batteries
The NomadPlus External Battery Doubles As a Power Adapter
Uninterrupted Solar Chargers
Uninterrupted Solar Chargers
The StrongVolt Auto-Connects When Sunlight is Available
All-in-one Charging Stations
All-in-one Charging Stations
The NFTY PL+S is the Swiss Army Knife of Battery Chargers
Wireless Charging
Wireless Charging
Editor Michael Hemsworth Discusses the Inductive Charging Technology Boom
Wireless Cell Phone Chargers
Wireless Cell Phone Chargers
WiTricity is Making Wireless Charging Realistic at CES 2014
Galactic Character Chargers
Galactic Character Chargers
This R2-D9 Smartphone Car Charger is Ideal for Powering Up On-the-Go
Rainproof Solar Chargers
Rainproof Solar Chargers
The 5000mAH Solar Panel Charger is Impervious to Rainfall
Galactic Gadget Chargers
Galactic Gadget Chargers
This Fun USB Car Charger Looks Like R2D2 From the Sci-Fi Series Star Wars
Wireless Phone Chargers
Wireless Phone Chargers
The uBeam Uses Ultrasound Transmission to Charge Phones From a Distance
Smartphone Jumper Cables
Smartphone Jumper Cables
The Smartphone-to-Smartphone Charger Cable Makes Sharing Power Simple
Self-Charging Cloud Tables
Self-Charging Cloud Tables
The Cloud Table by Studio Maks Lets You Leave Your Charger at Home
Sculptural Phone Chargers
Sculptural Phone Chargers
Switch is a Phone Charging Stand that Doesn't Require a Mess of Cables
Cable-Free Emergency Chargers
Cable-Free Emergency Chargers
This Handy Wireless Smartphone Battery Fits Onto Your Keychain
Phone-Charging Couture Bags
Phone-Charging Couture Bags
The Everpurse x Kate Spade New York Bag Fuses High Fashion and Tech
Durable Dual Gadget Chargers
Durable Dual Gadget Chargers
The PowerPak Xtreme Can Charge Up to Two Devices Six Times Over
Solar-Powered Chargers
Solar-Powered Chargers
These Chargers are Being Used to Charge Phones in Developing Countries
Charging Cosmetic Cases
Charging Cosmetic Cases
The Blush Compact Power Case Gives Cheeks Color & Phones Battery Life
Paper-Thin Solar Chargers
Paper-Thin Solar Chargers
The Solar Paper Charger is Small in Size and Big
Triple-Headed USB Chargers
Triple-Headed USB Chargers
Samsung's Multi-Charging Wall Charger Can Charge Three Devices at Once
Keychain Smartphone Chargers
Keychain Smartphone Chargers
This Portable Smartphone Charger Runs on Two AA Batteries
Cycling Phone Charge Stations
Cycling Phone Charge Stations
Schiphol Airport Has Pedal-Powered Phone Charging Stations
Smartwatch Charging Stands
Smartwatch Charging Stands
Charging Apple Watches is Made More Chic Thanks to DODOcase
Accelerated Device Chargers
Accelerated Device Chargers
The Legion Meter is an Ultra Fast Phone Charger
Magnetic Smartphone Chargers
Magnetic Smartphone Chargers
The Rubix On is Designed For the iPhone 6
Portable USB Charging Cables
Portable USB Charging Cables
The Sparrow Flash Drive and Charger Sits On Your Key Chain
Candle-Powered Phone Chargers
Candle-Powered Phone Chargers
This USB-Connected Candle Charger Uses Heat to Power Phones
Utility Clip Chargers
Utility Clip Chargers
The NomadClip Charge Cable Looks Like a Carabiner Clip
Leather Charging Cables
Leather Charging Cables
This Luxurious iPhone Charger is Sure to Stand the Test of Time
Stackable Phone Chargers
Stackable Phone Chargers
The Modulo Phone Charger is Pocket-Sized and Super Powerful
Device-Charging Benches
Device-Charging Benches
Croatia's 'Solarna E-klupa' Outdoor Bench Charges Mobile Technology
Rubik's Cube Chargers
Rubik's Cube Chargers
An Automatic Switch-Off Charger Keeps Your Device from Overheating
Device-Charging Bicycles
Device-Charging Bicycles
This Bike-Powered Charger Allows Users to Take Their Gadgets Anywhere
High-Tech Solar Chargers
High-Tech Solar Chargers
The Vapium Spring Powers Its Accompanying Vaporizer with Green Energy
Powerful Portable Chargers
Powerful Portable Chargers
The Powertrekk 2.0 Can Charge the Most Power-Hungry Gadgets
Solar-Powered Battery Chargers
Solar-Powered Battery Chargers
SPOR by David Hunt and Jason Browne is Bite-Sized for Everyday Use
Multi-Device Chargers
Multi-Device Chargers
CES 2015 Introduces the Powerdock Pro, a Powerful All-In-One Charger
Solar-Powered Gadget Chargers
Solar-Powered Gadget Chargers
The Solio 'Bolt' Uses Solar Power to Charge Your Devices
Vegetable Phone-Charging Walls
Vegetable Phone-Charging Walls
Microsoft's Phone Charging Wall is Powered by Potatoes and Apples
Sleek Wearable Chargers
Sleek Wearable Chargers
Always Carry a Charge and Look Good with the QBracelet
Solar-Powered Phone Chargers
Solar-Powered Phone Chargers
The Lava Solar Charger can Charge Your Phone in Eight Hours
Beautiful Backup Chargers
Beautiful Backup Chargers
These Devices Are the Best Chargers For Powering Up On the Go
Tied Travel Chargers
Tied Travel Chargers
Bold Knot Power Bank a Portable Way to Revive Your Phone on the Run
Lustrous Smartphone-Charging Cases
Lustrous Smartphone-Charging Cases
The Gold Power Jacket for the iPhone 5S is a Charger and Stand
Tiny Portable Chargers
Tiny Portable Chargers
The Megalo Mini is Small Enough to Hook Onto a Keychain
Powerful Charger Backpacks
Powerful Charger Backpacks
TYLT's Energi+ Power Backpack Charges Three Devices on the Go
Eco-Friendly Device Docks
Eco-Friendly Device Docks
The Gingko Solar Tree Charges Smartphones in a Sustainable Way
Charging Cable Bracelets
Charging Cable Bracelets
The 'Better Cable' is a Stylish, Wearable Phone Charger
DIY Sneaker Device Chargers
DIY Sneaker Device Chargers
Instructables User ASCAS' Device Charger Resides in a Shoe
Wearable Phone Chargers
Wearable Phone Chargers
The Carbon Precision Solar iPhone Charger Makes Sense
Scroll Solar Chargers
Scroll Solar Chargers
Rollable Eco Gadget Harnesses the Sun's Energy to Keep Your Phone's Power On
Motion-Powered Charging Devices
Motion-Powered Charging Devices
The Kinetic Energy Charger Uses Your Movement to Top Up Your Phone
Roll-Out Solar Chargers
Roll-Out Solar Chargers
The Compact E-Saving Charger is Ideal for Off-the Grid Battery Boosting
Adhesive Solar Phone Chargers
Adhesive Solar Phone Chargers
The Solar Window Charger Uses the Sun's Rays to Juice up Your Phone
Chargeable Drink Cartons
Chargeable Drink Cartons
The Mr Booste Portable Charger is Shaped Like a Cute Juice Box
Carry-Around Phone Chargers
Carry-Around Phone Chargers
The Portable Backup Battery is Small Enough to Pack in Your Pocket
Phone-Charging Smartphone Sheaths
Phone-Charging Smartphone Sheaths
The PocketPlug Cuts the Charging Cord
Phone-Charging Wallets
Phone-Charging Wallets
The Everpurse Miniholds Your Cards and Holds a Charge
Solar-Powered Charging Backpacks
Solar-Powered Charging Backpacks
The Power Pack Stores Energy Using its Built-In Solar Panel