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32 Honey Comb-Inspired Designs

From Honey Combed Dresses to Hex-ed Out Houses

— January 13, 2013 — Fashion
Honey comb design is used pervasively in many areas of composition from fashion to architecture. The honey comb structure consists of columnar and hexagonal cells separated with aligned borders.

The honey comb is an attractive visual structure that has an uncluttered quality of complexity. More importantly, honey comb structured designs have the characteristic being extremely lightweight and using a minimal amount of material. This also corresponds to lower production costs.

Voronoi is a mathematical diagram that is the manner of diving space into hexagonal regions, which creates this honeycomb effect. It is therefore an ideal form for interactive design advancement for the fact that it provides personal engagement opportunities for the consumer as well as leaving almost no room for errors.
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Hexagonal Sound Systems
Hexagonal Sound Systems
The Unmonday 4.3L is an Independent Ceramic Airplay Speaker
Glowing Honeycomb Structures
Glowing Honeycomb Structures
The PSi Tower by Michael Young Shape-Shifts for Light
Tesselated Tumbler Sets
Tesselated Tumbler Sets
These Nesting Cups Make the Best Use of Space for Crockery Storage
Honeycomb Wine Holders
Honeycomb Wine Holders
The 'WineHive' by John Paulick is Sophisticated and Expandable
Modular Honeycomb Amps
Modular Honeycomb Amps
The Hexa Speakers Can Be Custom-Built into a Wall of Sound and Storage
Personalized Interactive Bookshelves
Personalized Interactive Bookshelves
Collaborate on the Design of the Alan Rorie Voronoi Bookshelf
Honey Comb Candles
Honey Comb Candles
The Pollen Arts Beeswax Candles are Eco Chic
Alien Egg Dishware
Alien Egg Dishware
Candra Lynn Provenzano's Honey Bowl is Lightweight and Inexpensive
Cellular Spiral Staircases
Cellular Spiral Staircases
EeStairs Cells Bring a Magnified Organic Beauty to Your Modern Spaces
Spherical Coral Concert Halls
Spherical Coral Concert Halls
The (a) Ball Auditorium is Enclosed by Polyps that Disseminate Sound
Honeycomb Modular Hearths
Honeycomb Modular Hearths
The Magic Block Fireplace Lets You Increase Heat with Additional Units
Hexed-Out Houses
Hexed-Out Houses
Architect Konstantin Melnikov Displays His Stepping Stone into Design
Intricate Honeycomb Espaliers
Intricate Honeycomb Espaliers
The Ariane Modular Trellis Artificially Encourages Organic Growth
Hexagonal Wooden Dishware
Hexagonal Wooden Dishware
Poly by Martin Zampach is Geometrically Minimalist
Voronoi Shelf by Marc Newson
Voronoi Shelf by Marc Newson
Honey Comb Speakers
Honey Comb Speakers
The Hive
Cellular Storage Systems
Cellular Storage Systems
Softvoro Shelf Supplies Curved Cubbies for the Placement of Odd Objects
Sweet Honeycomb Desserts
Sweet Honeycomb Desserts
These Bee-Happy Cupcakes are Un-bee-lievably Cute
Displaced Honeycomb Coolers
Displaced Honeycomb Coolers
The Electrolux Impress Refrigerator Chills Edibles as They Stick Out
Honeycomb Abodes
Honeycomb Abodes
Karim Rashid Unveils His Latest Design in Cairo
Tapered Hexagonal Towers
Tapered Hexagonal Towers
The KAUST Breakwater Beacon Provides Cool Location for University Events
Organically Tilting Furniture
Organically Tilting Furniture
The 'Twin Shelves' are Inspired by Voronoi's Tessellation
Beeautiful Avian Abodes
Beeautiful Avian Abodes
NeighBirds Birdhouses Can Be Clustered into Cute Honeycomb Communities
Honey Comb Dresses
Honey Comb Dresses
Georgia May Jagger Steps Out of Parents' Shadows for Vogue Russia
Helpful Honeycomb Furniture
Helpful Honeycomb Furniture
Lorens' Cloud Modular Table is a Friendly and Practical Design
Illuminating App-Controlled Decals
Illuminating App-Controlled Decals
Wallbrights Provide Customizable Illumination and Decoration
Wall-Mounted Geometric Projections
Wall-Mounted Geometric Projections
Edgy Room Shaping Tiles Bring Added Dimension to Interiors
Hexagonal Seedling Branding
Hexagonal Seedling Branding
Park Seed Packaging Appeals to Budding Home Gardeners
Honeycomb Bouldering Mats
Honeycomb Bouldering Mats
The Myriad Crash Pad Covers and Conforms to Nature's Uneven Grade
Bulbous Honeycomb Sculptures
Bulbous Honeycomb Sculptures
HEXigloo is an Intricate Exploration of Parametric Design
Hexagonal Hole Branding
Hexagonal Hole Branding
Nooka Mindstyle Packaging Embraces the Nature of its Contents
Honeycomb Yachts
Honeycomb Yachts
The Veronoi Mega Yacht Sails the Seas in Ultimate Style