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60 Connected Tech Bracelets

From Air-Purifying Bracelets to Pulse-Powered Music Players

— June 25, 2013 — Fashion
Accessories are a fantastic way to infuse some personal style into your overall appearance, and if you're looking to incorporate some technologically advanced features into your wardrobe, then these high-tech bracelets will certainly have you on the cutting edge of fashion.

While sleek technological features are often reserved for mobile phones or creative home decor items, these high-tech bracelets are showcasing how modern day accessories are being outfitted with unique, technological features that any fashionista will surely enjoy. From mood-monitoring smartphone bracelets to temperature-adjusting wristbands, these high-tech accessory pieces are turning these otherwise ordinary bracelets into fascinatingly futuristic designs.

Allowing individuals to get more use and function out of their daily accessories, these high-tech bracelets are incorporating all sorts of handy technological features as a way to make accessorizing an outfit a lot more exciting and inventive.
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Emergency Activated Wristbands
Emergency Activated Wristbands
The Natalia Project Helps the Constant Threat Around Aid Workers
Portable Tech Storage Jewellery
Portable Tech Storage Jewellery
The Hand Crafted Leather ‘TEK Bracelet’ is Chicly Mult
Glowing Smartphone Wristbands
Glowing Smartphone Wristbands
The Wave Bracelet Syncs with Phones for Customized Light Shows
Obsessive Stalking Bracelets
Obsessive Stalking Bracelets
The NTT Electronic Tracking Bracelet Follows Your Every Move
Wrist-Worn Stovetop Supervisors
Wrist-Worn Stovetop Supervisors
The Electrolux Sensual Control Keeps on Top of Cooking Meals
Luminous Message Alert Jewelry
Luminous Message Alert Jewelry
The LinkMe Message Bracelet Fashions Your Messages in Bright Lights
Temperature-Adjusting Bracelets
Temperature-Adjusting Bracelets
WristQue Controls the Heat with Your Preferences
Sun-Detecting Bracelets
Sun-Detecting Bracelets
The Strathclyde University Wristband Prevents Sunburns and Overexposure
Sanitation-Alerting Wristbands
Sanitation-Alerting Wristbands
The Hyginex Bracelet Monitors Hand-Washing in Medical Environments
Form-Fitting Music Bracelets
Form-Fitting Music Bracelets
The Echo Band Has a Futuristic One-Size-Fits-All Design
Health Payment Bracelets
Health Payment Bracelets
Vitaband Stores Health Data and Pays Your Medical Bills
Computer Controlling Bracelets
Computer Controlling Bracelets
These Computer Commanding Bracelets are from Thalmic Labs
Genius Glucose Wristbands
Genius Glucose Wristbands
The bluecircle by David Seo was Created for the World Diabetes Day
Radiation-Detecting Accessories
Radiation-Detecting Accessories
The CARE Bracelet is Designed for Pregnant Women
PC on your Wrist
PC on your Wrist
The INFO Live Bracelet Concept
Performance-Enhancing Accessories
Performance-Enhancing Accessories
The Zentrom Wristband Boasts the Ability to Restore Balance
Sound MP3 Innovations
Sound MP3 Innovations
'On-Time' and ‘Mini' Impress in Design Competition
Caller ID Bracelets
Caller ID Bracelets
The On Time Headset Makes Hands-Free Calling More Fashionable
Futuristic Bracelet Gadgets
Futuristic Bracelet Gadgets
The Atomic9 Wristband Speakerphone is Made for Gadget-Lovers
Snap Bangle Phones
Snap Bangle Phones
The Auki Smart Phone Doubles as a Cellphone and Funky Bracelet
Wearable Health Trackers
Wearable Health Trackers
The Jawbone UP Wristband Will Help You Lead a Healthier Lifestyle
Lifestyle-Motivating Wristbands
Lifestyle-Motivating Wristbands
This Health-Monitoring Wristband Helps You Meet Your Goals
Designer LCD Bracelet
Designer LCD Bracelet
Gucci Concept Watch
Wrist-Worn Power Plants
Wrist-Worn Power Plants
The Universal Gadget Wrist Charger Keeps Geeks Powered Up
Health-Monitoring Maternity Bands
Health-Monitoring Maternity Bands
The Pregnancy Pulse Lets You Track Your Baby's Well-Being
Bracelet Vibrates When Your Phone Rings
Bracelet Vibrates When Your Phone Rings
Bluetooth Vibracelet
Bookmark Bracelets
Bookmark Bracelets
The Apple iRead Concept by Alvar Sans is Ideal for MacBookworms
Texting Bracelets
Texting Bracelets
eJoux by Biju Neyyan is for the Messaging-Obsessed
Pictogram Bangles
Pictogram Bangles
Konstantin Datz's 'Wristband for Deaf People' Translates Sound into Images
Hi-Tech Wrist Accessories
Hi-Tech Wrist Accessories
The Mini Projector Bangle Brings Media into the Hand of the Modern Woman
Bracelet Mobile Phone
Bracelet Mobile Phone
The Liteon Concept
Communicative Jewelry
Communicative Jewelry
The Chic and Elegant Dial Wristwatch Phone
Projector Watches
Projector Watches
‘Ex-Time' Displays Time Anywhere So You Can Feel Like Bond
Caller ID Bracelets
Caller ID Bracelets
The Nokia Icon Keeps You in the Loop at All Times
E-Paper Jewelry
E-Paper Jewelry
E-Paper Slap Bracelet
ePaper Bracelets
ePaper Bracelets
The OXY Watch by Adrian Castro Fuses Tech & Fashion
Vibrating Bluetooth Bracelets
Vibrating Bluetooth Bracelets
The Earzee Bluetooth Wristband Vibrates When You Get a Call
Air-Purifying Bracelets
Air-Purifying Bracelets
The Hand Tree Creates a Bubble of Clean Air Around You
Specific Sport Trackers
Specific Sport Trackers
The Amiigo Fitness Bracelet Recognizes Different Exercises and Activities
Hidden USB Bracelets
Hidden USB Bracelets
Make a Fashion Statement With the Floral Pen Drive
Accelerometer Fitness Bracelets
Accelerometer Fitness Bracelets
The Nike+ FuelBand Monitors Everyday Activities for Healthy Living
Projector Bracelets
Projector Bracelets
The Snowcorn Camera Is Also A Translator and Business Card Scanner
Revolving Bracelet Watches
Revolving Bracelet Watches
The Podvaal Watch is a Fabulously Futuristic Chronograph
Wristband Mobile Phones
Wristband Mobile Phones
'The Dial' Phone Combines Fashion and the Need to Stay Connected
Non-Invasive Blood Monitors
Non-Invasive Blood Monitors
The 'Diaby' Glucose Test Watch by Maral Kinran is Perfect for Kids
Pretty Wi-Fi Timepieces
Pretty Wi-Fi Timepieces
Seiko's E-ink Bracelet Watch is Stylized for the Future
Health-Conscious Bracelets (UPDATE)
Health-Conscious Bracelets (UPDATE)
Up by Jawbone Has Been Modified to Better Monitor Daily Life
Wrist-Worn Chargers
Wrist-Worn Chargers
The Energy Bracelet Uses Thermoelectric Energy for Mobile Juice
Dual Bracelet Watches
Dual Bracelet Watches
The H/M Watch from Humberto Jimenez Needs Two Hands to Tell Time
Bracelets for Lost Children
Bracelets for Lost Children
Dcontinuum Link Child Locator
Wrist-Bound Music Players
Wrist-Bound Music Players
Dinard Da Mata's MP3 Bracelet is a Fashionable Way to Rock Out
MP3 Players as Jewelry
MP3 Players as Jewelry
The iPod Shuffle Bracelet
Pulse-Powered Music Players
Pulse-Powered Music Players
The MP3 Creative Plays Tunes According to Your Body
Futuristic Space Watches
Futuristic Space Watches
Fashionable Digitwatch Doubles as Men's Jewelry
USB-Embedded Bracelets
USB-Embedded Bracelets
Vilnvixn Intelligent Accessories Ensure That Data Storage is Always Handy
Mood-Monitoring Smartphone Bracelets
Mood-Monitoring Smartphone Bracelets
The Smile from EmoPulse is Both a Smartphone and a Bracelet
Diabetic Wristbands
Diabetic Wristbands
Gluco(M) Tracks Sugar Levels With Electric Flow
iPod Jewelry
iPod Jewelry
The iBangle
Touch-Connecting Bracelets
Touch-Connecting Bracelets
The Tactilu Helps Long Distance Couples Touch Each Other
Inflatable Life-Saving Bangles
Inflatable Life-Saving Bangles
Self Rescue Bracelet Expands into an Effective Floatation Device