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22 Highly Visual Infographics

From Hipster Style Graphs to Pleasure Pictographs

— May 24, 2011 — Art & Design
New generations who are tech-savvy and Internet-dependent love absorbing lots of information fast, so that is why highly visual infographics get a lot of attention on the web.

A great alternative to long and winded paragraphs with lots of unnecessary filler, infographics get straight to the point in various fun ways using graphic design as a tool to convey data.

From highly visual infographics depicting the various types of iPhone users to social media crisis pictographs that chart Japanese tsunami responses, it seems infographics are the way of the future of data consumption.

It seems there are a lot of infographics on social media as well. It's interesting to consider that social media may have been responsible to a certain degree in shaping people's preference for short-format media.
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Celeb Twitter Trees
Celeb Twitter Trees
The Twitter Infographic Celebrates 100 Million More New Accounts
Historical Tech Comparisons
Historical Tech Comparisons
The History of the iPhone Infograph Shows How Far Apple Has Come
Quick Soap Opera Sagas
Quick Soap Opera Sagas
23 Years of the Bold and the Beautiful Retold in Six Minutes
Statistical Transparencies
Statistical Transparencies
Holographic Infographics Illustrate Hans Rosling's 'The Joy of Stats'
Shapely Currency
Shapely Currency
Infographic Coins are Worth Their Weight in Gold
Interactive Oil Spill Graphs
Interactive Oil Spill Graphs
The Interactive Infograph by Jason Bishop Shows Marine Damage
Detangling Network Hairballs
Detangling Network Hairballs
Martin Krzywinski's Linear Hive Plots Simplify Complex Visualization
Infographic Airlines
Infographic Airlines
Kulula Rebranding Applies Guidance to Airplane Exteriors
Infographic Biographies
Infographic Biographies
This Pheonomenal Nicholas Felton Creation Honors His Father's Memory
Infographic Resumes
Infographic Resumes
Creatives Flock to Designer CVs to Stand Out From the Crowd
Youth Mobile Phone Studies
Youth Mobile Phone Studies
The Informative Flowtown Infographic Analyzes Teen Cell Phone Usage
Social Network Growth Graphs
Social Network Growth Graphs
The Foursquare Infographic Illustrates Fascinating Facts
Compartmentalized Medical Kits
Compartmentalized Medical Kits
The First Aid Support Kit Employs Infographics for Easy Use
Pixelated Probabilities
Pixelated Probabilities
'What are the Chances?' Infographic Illustrates Odds of Unlikely Events
Pop-Up Infographics
Pop-Up Infographics
Ole Martin Volle Creates a Tiny Tactile Folder for a School Library
Hipster Style Graphs
Hipster Style Graphs
The Hipster Fashion Cycle Informs You of the Evolving Style of Urban Hipsters
Social Media Crisis Infographics
Social Media Crisis Infographics
Disaster Relief on Facebook Charts Japanese Tsunami Responses
Romantic Flow Charts
Romantic Flow Charts
The 'Can We Date?' Infograph Gives Insight On Dating Decorum
Facebook Friend Infographics
Facebook Friend Infographics
'10 Types of Facebook Friends From Highschool' is a Hilarious Parody
Pleasure Pictographs
Pleasure Pictographs
'The Truth About Orgasms' is Fact-Packed and Funny
iPhone User Infographics
iPhone User Infographics
The '7 Types of iPhone Users' Celebrates the launch of Verizon iPhones