From Heather Morris to Musical Spin-Off Fashion
Kamal Musharbash — October 6, 2010 — Pop Culture
With all the hype around the recent Heather Morris appearance on the Britney-fied 'Glee' episode, this collection pays tribute to all things 'Glee.' Morris began her career dancing back-up for Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' tour and has landed a hit episode with her fellow musicians.
'Glee' has broken records, boundaries and brought the culture back to musicals, which was something that lacked in television culture for decades. With the continuous 'Glee' successes, there will be more thematic episodes such as the recent Britney, Madonna and Lady Gaga programs.
'Glee' has broken records, boundaries and brought the culture back to musicals, which was something that lacked in television culture for decades. With the continuous 'Glee' successes, there will be more thematic episodes such as the recent Britney, Madonna and Lady Gaga programs.