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21 Gifts for the Equestrian

From Equestrian-Handled Mugs to Magnetic Horseshoe Key Holders

— December 18, 2014 — Fashion
Gifts for the equestrian are not as easy to come by as, say, gifts for the dog-lover, but if you search long and hard enough, you can find something that your equine-loving friend will really appreciate.

Horseback riding is kind of a swanky hobby, up there with playing golf at the country club and skiing in Aspen. But one thing is for certain: those who love horses, really, really love them. It's not a half-assed kind of hobby. It's more a eat-breathe-sleep kinda deal. So if you have a friend that you have to literally drag out of the stable just to get her to come for brunch, then nothing but a horsey-gift will do.

You can gift your horseman/woman friend with everything from pastel pony tops to handmade horseshoe decor this Christmas!
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