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30 Gifts for Stoners

From Cannabis Cookie Cutters to Drinkable Marijuana

— December 18, 2014 — Unique
Gifts for stoners are usually pretty simple, if only because the recipient is often very easygoing. Hey, if I was sky-high all the time, I'd be probably be easygoing too.

This Christmas, gift your unofficial drug dealer with cool items such as cannabis-inspired pillow cases, pocket-friendly vaporizers or beer bong attachments.

To utilize the other great benefits of marijuana, you can delight your pot-smoking friends with cannabis-infused skincare products, DIY cannabis cocktails or even a marijuana cookbook. Yeah, cooking with cannabis can be way more sophisticated than that questionable weed brownie you tried once in college -- resulting in you not being able to move for eight hours and being convinced you were flying. This time around, try a delicious marijuana-infused meal instead!
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Handheld Chemical Testers
Handheld Chemical Testers
The MyDx Device Tests for Pesticides Through Your Smartphone
Gourmet Cannabis Pizzas
Gourmet Cannabis Pizzas
These Unconvetional Pizza Slices from Stoned Oven are Filled with THC
Luxurious Cannabis Lubricants
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These Personal Lubricants are Made Exclusively from THC
Beer Bong Attachments
Beer Bong Attachments
The Knock 5-in-1 Will Get Your Party Started
Canabis-Themed Platform Sneakers
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Stoner Film Sweaters
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The You Can't Smoke With Us Crewneck Offers a Cheeky Nod to a Cult Classic
Marijuana-Infused Meal Photography
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Cannabis-Infused Skincare Products
Cannabis-Infused Skincare Products
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Cannabis-Avocado Dips
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This Easy Guacamole Will Spark & Satisfy the Munchies
Drinkable Marijuana
Drinkable Marijuana
Mirth Provisions Creates a Cannabis-Infused Drink Line Called Legal
Cannabis-Infused Chocolates
Cannabis-Infused Chocolates
The Kiva Confections Cannabis Chocolates are High-Quality
Politician-Inspired Smoking Papers
Politician-Inspired Smoking Papers
The Justin Trudeau Rolling Papers Oddly Honor the Young Leader
Marijuana-Inspired Protection
Marijuana-Inspired Protection
This Cannabis-Inspired Condom Will Make Your Night Unforgettable
Pocket-Friendly Vaporizers
Pocket-Friendly Vaporizers
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Cannabis Ice Cream Bars
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Cannabis Cookie Cutters
Cannabis Cookie Cutters
These are Fun Whether You're Making Special or Regular Cookies
DIY Cannabis Cocktails
DIY Cannabis Cocktails
Food Beast Posted an Extensive Tutorial for Making Marijuana Vodka
Electronic Marijuana Cigarettes
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Cannabis Streetwear Lookbooks
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Caffeinated Cannabis Beverages
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Pot-Infused Snack Packaging
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Illicit Space Debris Sweaters
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Cannabis-Infused Cotton Candy
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This Weed Cotton Candy Provides Edible Cannabis for Medical Reasons
Hipster Grooming Kits
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Multi-Tubed Beer Funnels
Multi-Tubed Beer Funnels
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Cannabis Celebrating Fashion
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Creative Cannabis Notebooks
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These Stoner Books are Perfect for Jotting Down Brilliant Ideas
Cannabis-Inspired Pillow Cases
Cannabis-Inspired Pillow Cases
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