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51 Gifts for Cyclists

From Projecting Blinkers to Illuminating Helmets

— November 26, 2012 — Eco
The nighttime bike gears featured here are a great way to keep commuting friends and family safe all year round as well as make great gifts for cyclists this holiday season.

Bikers can do all they can to protect themselves from inattentive pedestrians, drivers and other cyclists on the road but it is especially hard to prevent accidents, especially in poor weather conditions and at night when visibility significantly decreases and people are antsy to get home. From illuminating helmets, hats and gloves to laser projecting directional blinkers, kinetically device-charging bikes to visor helmets and illuminating handlebars to ridiculously loud horns, these Christmas gift for cyclists consist of an abundance of safe cycling gear that will make loved ones sleep easier at night knowing their family is taking every precaution to be bike safely.
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Ludicrously Loud Noise Makers
Ludicrously Loud Noise Makers
Screaming Banshee Motorcycle Horn Ensures Bikers are Seen and Heard
Ludicrously Loud Motorcycle Horns
Ludicrously Loud Motorcycle Horns
Plug & Play is a Dual-Volume Motorcycle Horn to Protect Cyclists
Life-Saving Two-Wheeler Stickers
Life-Saving Two-Wheeler Stickers
These Decals by Tonky Designs Playfully Prevent Accidents
Laser Lighting Pathways
Laser Lighting Pathways
The XFire Taillight Helps to Protect Bikers at Night
Light-Emanating Apparel
Light-Emanating Apparel
The Fiks: Reflective Clothing is Stylish and Visually Appealing
Darkly Chromatic Cycles
Darkly Chromatic Cycles
The Nightstream Mountain Bike is Mysteriously Luxurious
Neon LED Belts
Neon LED Belts
Halo by Vincent Pilot Ng Increases Biker Visibility at Night
Visored Bike Gear
Visored Bike Gear
The Dux Helm Helmet Comes Equipped with Sunglasses
iPod Helmet Cams
iPod Helmet Cams
The Rampant View Strap Uses Your iPod Nano to Record the Action
Interactive LED Helmets
Interactive LED Helmets
The LumaHelm for Bikers Helps Signal Where They are Going
Illuminating Tuques
Illuminating Tuques
The Glow-in-the-Dark Hat is Great for Dancers and Party Pranks
Turn Signal Mittens
Turn Signal Mittens
The Early Winter Night Biking Gloves Keep Bikers Safe
Theft-Deterring Bike Lanterns
Theft-Deterring Bike Lanterns
The Sparse Bicycle Lights are Extremely Hard to Steal
Cycle-Made Camera Gear
Cycle-Made Camera Gear
The Snapfocus Eliminates Blurry Shots Using Brakes from a Bike
Gadget-Charging Bicycles
Gadget-Charging Bicycles
The 2012 Starke Series of Bikes Lets You Power USB Devices on the Go
Melon-Protecting Pillows (UPDATE)
Melon-Protecting Pillows (UPDATE)
The Hövding Airbag Collar is a Couture and Practical Helmet
Kinetic Phone Chargers
Kinetic Phone Chargers
The Ino Bike Lets Commuters Recharge Phones On the Go
Glow-in-the-Dark Biking
Glow-in-the-Dark Biking
A Neon Bike Provides Extreme Visibility for Cyclists
Flashy Bike Safety Devces
Flashy Bike Safety Devces
The 'Ferris WheeLED' Helps You Survive Life in the Bike Lane
Safe Cycling Cams
Safe Cycling Cams
The Spectacam Helmet Camera Records Action in Front and Behind the Cyclist
Luminous Bicycle Safety
Luminous Bicycle Safety
Project Aura Lights up the Streets With LED Lights
Glowing Theft Preventers
Glowing Theft Preventers
The Bicycle Light Lock Lets You Know if Someone is Stealing Your Ride
Glow-In-The-Dark Bicycle
Glow-In-The-Dark Bicycle
Puma's Glow Rider
Colorful Cycling Signals
Colorful Cycling Signals
Brighten up Your Bike Rides with Detachable Bookman Lights
Projected LED Bike Lanes
Projected LED Bike Lanes
The XFire Bike Safety Light Creates a Glowing Boundary
Lifesaving Bike Lights
Lifesaving Bike Lights
The Firefly Bike Light Makes Night Riding Safer
Precautionary Glowing Accessories
Precautionary Glowing Accessories
The Lumigram Safety Vest Lights the Way for Runners
Light-Up Bike Helmets
Light-Up Bike Helmets
The Mobo 360 LED Helmet Protects Your Noggin and Illuminates in Style
Illuminating Bike Pumps
Illuminating Bike Pumps
The Protector Portable Inflator Provides Assistance with a Flat
Sound-Blaring Bicycle Bolts
Sound-Blaring Bicycle Bolts
The Acoustic-Optical Lock Will Help Locate Bikes
Hardware-Less Bike Illuminations
Hardware-Less Bike Illuminations
The Magnetic Bike Light is Convenient and Aesthetically-Pleasing
Turn Signal Brain Bonnets
Turn Signal Brain Bonnets
The Blink Bike Helmet Keeps Bikers Safer During Night Rides
Beaming Bike Wheels
Beaming Bike Wheels
The Cycle Halo by Ushki Design is a Hybrid Piece from a Hybrid Bicycle
USB Bicycle Chargers
USB Bicycle Chargers
The Smartphone BikeCharge Gives You Battery Life On-the-Go
Personalized Bike Lights
Personalized Bike Lights
LED Bike Light by Fraser Mort Lets You Ride with Safety & Style
Sci-Fi Learning Cycles
Sci-Fi Learning Cycles
The Trek 'Light Cycle Push Bike' is Inspired by 'TRON: Legacy'
Glow-in-the-Dark Bikes
Glow-in-the-Dark Bikes
The Pure Fix Cycles 'Kilo' Bicycle is Activated By Sunlight
Illuminated Safety Knapsacks
Illuminated Safety Knapsacks
The Torch Flux Backpack Makes You Highly Visible at Night
Portable Tire-Saving Gadgets
Portable Tire-Saving Gadgets
Let the Bike Pump Keychain Take Care of Your Deflated Tires
Glowing Kicks
Glowing Kicks
The Nike Hypermax NFW Sneakers are Coming Back to the Future
Luminous Superhero Sneakers
Luminous Superhero Sneakers
The 'Oryon X TRON Shoes' are Made with Innovative Technology
Safe Cycling Blinkers
Safe Cycling Blinkers
The Bike Zone Projector Signals the Cyclist's Intended Direction Like Cars
Glowing Electric Sneakers
Glowing Electric Sneakers
The Neon Converses from Etsy Will Light up the Night Sky
Cyclist Mega Gadgets
Cyclist Mega Gadgets
The Puyl is a Battery-Free Combination Bike Pump & Light
Rechargeable Handlebar Lights
Rechargeable Handlebar Lights
The 'Glo-Bars' are a Sustainable Bicycle Safety Precaution
Easy Rider iPhone Cases
Easy Rider iPhone Cases
The iBike Rider Lets Motorcyclists Stay Connected on the Road
Sci-Fi Biker Gear
Sci-Fi Biker Gear
The Limited Edition His & Hers Tron Motorcycle Suits
Illuminated Urban Bikes
Illuminated Urban Bikes
The Teague Pulse Concept Makes Your Ride Glow
Innovative Luminous Gloves
Innovative Luminous Gloves
The H9 Portable Lighting Tool Can Be Worn Conveniently on the Palm
Geeky Biker Headgear
Geeky Biker Headgear
The Tigerpause444 Custom Motorcycle Helmets Will Solidify Your Nerd Status
Glowing Sci-Fi Bicycles
Glowing Sci-Fi Bicycles
The WinCycle 001 Was Designed as Muscle-Powered Tron Transport