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41 Ghostly Gems

Ghoulish Innovations, from Freaky Phantasmic Photos to Modern Ghost Towers

— April 17, 2010 — Art & Design
Do you believe in ghosts? I sure do, and I’ll argue it to the day I die (at which point I would become a ghost to haunt you as proof). At any rate, this cluster of ghoulish innovations is living—er, dying—proof that many, many of us do believe in ghosts.

Whether it’s ghost tribute art or haunted wine bottles, this collection of ghoulish innovations might just raise the hairs on the back of your neck.
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Ghoulish Gamer Acessories
Ghoulish Gamer Acessories
The Ghostbusters Wii Mod Makes for Ecto-Filled Fun
Ghostly Silhouette Portraits
Ghostly Silhouette Portraits
'La Puerta Incorrecta' by Federico Enrico Caruso Shows Ghosts at Play
Phantom Lighting
Phantom Lighting
The Ghost Lamp is Whimsically Ethereal
Ghost-Faced Robots
Ghost-Faced Robots
New Remo Robot Is As Creepy As It Is Advanced
Spook Spotter
Spook Spotter
GhostRadar USB
Paranormal Detection Gear
Paranormal Detection Gear
Reveal Supernatural Spirits With the Ghost Hunter EMF Meter KII-Deluxe
Ghoulish Fall Fashion
Ghoulish Fall Fashion
Drape Yourself In Body Parts
Ghostly Illumination
Ghostly Illumination
The Soothingly Ghoulish Kaspa Light by Ilsa Parry for Halloween
Ghost Town Canvases
Ghost Town Canvases
'The Ghostvillage Project' Offers a City-Sized Work of Art
Haunted Wine Bottles
Haunted Wine Bottles
Ghost in a Bottle Traps and Sells Spirits
Freaky Phantasmic Photos
Freaky Phantasmic Photos
‘Not Ghosts' by Photographer Marie Edwards
Memorial Bikes
Memorial Bikes
NYC Ghost Bike Project Pays Tribute to Deceased Cyclists
Ghastly Ghoulish B-Day Confections
Ghastly Ghoulish B-Day Confections
The Zombie Girl with Brain Cake Makes Death Delicious
Ghostly Fashion Displays
Ghostly Fashion Displays
The Calvin Klein + Los Angeles Nomadic Division (LAND) Event
Ghoulish Headshots
Ghoulish Headshots
Jason Ross Portrays the Frightening, Just in Time for Halloween
Ghostly Global Wonderlands
Ghostly Global Wonderlands
Dubai Festival City Announces Plans for Casper Theme Park
Abandoned Shadow Art
Abandoned Shadow Art
Xenmate Photographs Fake Inhabitants of Ghost Buildings
Ghoulishly Eerie Photography
Ghoulishly Eerie Photography
Todd Hido's Photographs are a Perfect Background for Ghosts
Ghostly Glow Editorials
Ghostly Glow Editorials
Sandrah Hellberg Poses as a High-Fashion Ghost for Dealer de Luxe
Tulle Floatography
Tulle Floatography
'Landscapes' by Natalia Hoyos Turns Fabric into an Eerie World of Its Own
Real Life Ghost Towns
Real Life Ghost Towns
Amazing Public Art In Rhyolite
Ghost Dogs
Ghost Dogs
Spooky and Peculiar Pet Pastimes
Undead Fashiontography
Undead Fashiontography
'Zombie Ballroom' by Carl Heindl Captures a Ghoulish Grand Old Time
World's Spookiest Spots
World's Spookiest Spots
Haunted Travel Picks
Ghost Eyes Dresses
Ghost Eyes Dresses
Fashion Photography Meets Digital Art By Zach Gold
Full Moon Photography
Full Moon Photography
Two Mysterious Models Embark on the 'Ghost Road'
Ghostly Graphics
Ghostly Graphics
Kazuki Takamatsu's Art is Animazing
Ghost Tribute Art
Ghost Tribute Art
Artists Pay Homage to Japan's 'Hanako of the Toilet'
Ghost Voodoo Couture
Ghost Voodoo Couture
Nozimi Ishiguro Haute Couture 2010-11 A/W Collection
Spooky Window Treatments
Spooky Window Treatments
Animated Halloween Projections
DIY Ghost Photography
DIY Ghost Photography
Scare your Friends, Be Awesome
Summer Ghost Editorials
Summer Ghost Editorials
Blurred Romance and Foggy Heat in Marie Claire Italia March 2010
Ghoulish LEGO Monsters
Ghoulish LEGO Monsters
Recreating Famous Movie Hellions Out of Plastic Blocks
Haunting 20s Photoshoots
Haunting 20s Photoshoots
The Waldemar & Max 'Ghost' Fashion Editorial is Ethereal and Spooky
Ghostly Shipwreck Photography
Ghostly Shipwreck Photography
Jan Smith Captures Nouadhibou Bay's Ship Cemetery
All-White Pictorials
All-White Pictorials
'The White Story' in Vogue Italia Takes a Ghostly Twist
Ghoulish Pin-Ups
Ghoulish Pin-Ups
Justin Erickson's Dark and Tempting Beauties
Abandoned Shopping Malls
Abandoned Shopping Malls
Brian Ulrich Captures Recessionary Fallout and Urban Decay
Modern Ghost Towns
Modern Ghost Towns
10 Recently-Abandoned Cities