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36 Ghostbusters-Inspired Products

These Items Commemorate Ghostbusters' Harold Ramis

— February 25, 2014 — Pop Culture
With the unfortunate passing of the Ghostbusters' Harold Ramis, fans the world over will be commemorating his work, especially as part of the iconic Ghostbusters team. The products here range from T-Shirts to blaster pack backpacks and and bobble head dolls. This collectible toys and other products are the perfect way to commemorate a great film and actor.

From Ghostbuster sneakers to LEGO box sets and Slimer-inspired products, there are a myriad of items inspired by and made to commemorate the iconic film and the characters and actors that made the film as memorable and beloved as it is. Ghostbusters' Harold Ramis will be remembered fondly by fans and critics. Celebrate him and the rest of the Ghostbusters team with these exciting and fun collectibles, toys, videos and pieces of artwork.

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Spooky Sitcom LEGO Kits
Spooky Sitcom LEGO Kits
This LEGO Ghostbusters Kit is a 30th Anniversary Limited Edition
Cinematic Ghost Candies
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Pop Culture Camp Treats
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Sci-Fi Matryoshka Figurines
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The Ghostbusters Nesting Dolls are a Reminder of Who You Should Call
Phantom Neutralizers Fan Art
Phantom Neutralizers Fan Art
These Fabrizio Fioretti Ghostbuster Illustrations Make 2-D Toons 3-D
Terrifying Ghostbuster Accessories
Terrifying Ghostbuster Accessories
The Stay Puft Mini Talking Keychain Sings While Holding Keys
Terrorizing Mascot Cushions
Terrorizing Mascot Cushions
Cuddle with the Inflatable Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
Spirit-Killing Toys
Spirit-Killing Toys
The Ghostbuster Proton Pack Replica Will Scare Away Your Ghosts
Ghoulish Gamer Acessories
Ghoulish Gamer Acessories
The Ghostbusters Wii Mod Makes for Ecto-Filled Fun
Ghost-Hunting Clothing
Ghost-Hunting Clothing
This Jacket is a Great Piece of Ghostbusters Merchandise
Banshee-Banishing Backpacks
Banshee-Banishing Backpacks
The Ghostbuster Proton Pack Doubles as a Pillow
Nerdy Window Decals
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Brandon Bird Creates Geeky Accessories
Iconic Building Block Cars
Iconic Building Block Cars
These Iconic Cars From 80s Movies Have Been Rebuilt in LEGO
Mad Mobs To Be Quelled by Goo
Mad Mobs To Be Quelled by Goo
'Ghostbusters' Burlesque
'Ghostbusters' Burlesque
Epic Win Presents Egon-Approved Burlesque Show
3D Monster Posters
3D Monster Posters
The Ghostbusters Slimer Sculpture Pops Out of the Wall
Ghostbusting Wiimotes
Ghostbusting Wiimotes
A Proton Pack That Will Control Your Nintendo Wii
Building Block Film Replicas
Building Block Film Replicas
This LEGO Ghostbusters HQ Includes Every Conceivable Detail
Monstrous Marshmallow Masks
Monstrous Marshmallow Masks
The Stay Puft Ski Mask Will Bring Bill Murray out of Retirement
Green Alien Headgear
Green Alien Headgear
The 'Slimer Stormtrooper Helmet' is a Must-Have for Halloween
Cartoonish Balloon Art
Cartoonish Balloon Art
Artist Rob Driscoll Creates Intricate Balloon Sculptures
1980s Movie Map Guides
1980s Movie Map Guides
Interactive Google Map Guide to 'Ghostbusters' Tours New York
Sweet Supernatural Desserts
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Modern Sequels for Retro Classics
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Ghostbusters 3
Supernatural Clothing Lines
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Cinematic Car Posters
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The 'Cars We Love' Series Features Iconic Movie Cars
Extreme Low-Res Pictorials
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The Iotacons by Andy Rash is Impressively Recognizable
Video Drinking Games
Video Drinking Games
The Ghostbusters Drinking Game is the Perfect Way to Get Plastered
Branded Vodka for Movie Promos
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Pop Culture Vehicle Posters
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Hipster Movie Poster Recreations
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Minimalist Movie Art
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Cartoon Cranium Tees
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Phics & Graphics Adjust Classic Movie Posters