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32 Pairs of Unusual Funky Footwear

From Fish Tank Platforms to Killer Kicks

— December 2, 2013 — Unique
Platforms from the disco days no longer pass as the means of funky footwear. Nor do the latest Jordans in kaleidoscopic patterns and colors. If your shoes aren’t sporting their own animal heel or shackles you might as well keep them to yourself.

I remember a time when shoes that lit up where a hot topic but those spotlight steppers couldn’t possibly compete with the these outlandish soles. Shoe designers today have drawn inspiration from the utmost unthinkable -- from scuba diving gear to playground equipment. It isn’t usual to see a girl at a party walking around in a shoe that sports no heel or an angelic pretty boy with wings on his feet.

Funky footwear is art you can walk in and more times than not, you can do so comfortably.
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Anti-Odor Footwear
Anti-Odor Footwear
The Toe Half Socks Strap to Your Feet to Cover Up Bad Feet Smells
Elephant dung super platform Heels
Elephant dung super platform Heels
Fuzzy Furry Footwear
Fuzzy Furry Footwear
These Sperry Band of Outsiders 'Sasquatch Chukka Shoes' are Cuddly Cute
Winged Flats
Winged Flats
Klushka Wings Shoes Channel Native American Culture
Walk-Powered Shoe Chargers
Walk-Powered Shoe Chargers
Exercise and Charge your iPod
Spicy Condiment Kicks
Spicy Condiment Kicks
These Sriracha Shoes by Hourglass Footwear Add Flavor to Any Outfit
Bright Pastry-Coated Heels
Bright Pastry-Coated Heels
Dessert Shoes 'Bad Cake You Pumps' Makes Gals Look Delicious
Electric Light Shoes
Electric Light Shoes
OniTsuka Tigers With Mini City of Lights
Minotaur High Heels
Minotaur High Heels
Hoof Heels from Roxanne Jackson are Monstrously Chic
Aquatic Creature Pumps
Aquatic Creature Pumps
These 'Taylor Says Grey Sharkie Heels' are Fantastically Predatory
Rabbit-Replaced Heels
Rabbit-Replaced Heels
The 'Thumper' Irregular Choice Shoes Sport Unusual Heels
Wired Heels
Wired Heels
Shoes for Masochists by Polly Verity
Glowing Angel Kicks
Glowing Angel Kicks
The Adidas GITD JS Wings Keep Your Shoes Bright at Night
Sultry Sorbet Heels
Sultry Sorbet Heels
These Ice Cream Shoes are a Delicious Treat on a Hot Day
Fetching Grassy Footwear
Fetching Grassy Footwear
Yashin Kusa Shoes Let You Feel Lush Blades Between Your Toes
Glowing Heels
Glowing Heels
LED Alina Shoes
Funky Fish Tank Heels
Funky Fish Tank Heels
Get Your Groove On with These Unusual Fish Tank Platform Shoes
Platform Rodent Homes
Platform Rodent Homes
The Terrifying Hamster Exploitation Pump
Food-Inspired Footwear
Food-Inspired Footwear
Waffle Cone Ice Cream Sneakers
Extreme Haute Platforms
Extreme Haute Platforms
The Omar Perez Stilett"O"s Collection Shows Shoes Fit for Gaga
Killer Heels III
Killer Heels III
Murderous Shoes
Multihued Winged Sneakers
Multihued Winged Sneakers
Jeremy Scott Does Technicolor Athletic Gear for Adidas
Naughty Dancer Shoes
Naughty Dancer Shoes
7" Wedges Have a Sexy Carving of a Woman and a Pole
Chic Scuba Gear or Eco-Awareness
Chic Scuba Gear or Eco-Awareness
'High Tide Heels' Mystery
Carnivorous High Heels
Carnivorous High Heels
Iris van Herpen and United Nude's Fang Shoe is Literally Long in the Tooth
Dirty Sneaker Pumps
Dirty Sneaker Pumps
Davide Allieri Makes Converse High Heels Called 'Precision Impression 4'
Frontless Shoes
Frontless Shoes
Annejet Kosters Shoe Designs
Armed Animal High Heels
Armed Animal High Heels
Gun Hoofs by Iris Schieferstein Adds Danger to Oddity
Torturous Toe Shoes
Torturous Toe Shoes
Even Ballerinas Would Steer Clear Of These Feet-Deforming Shoes
Shocking Stiletto Implants
Shocking Stiletto Implants
Bit Rebels conceptualize the Idea of Human Body Stilettos on Your Feet
Atrociously High Heels
Atrociously High Heels
Footwear Threatens to Break Necks
Horn-Heeled Pumps
Horn-Heeled Pumps
Exotic Regrets by Aoi Kotsuhiroi Features Dark Fang-Like Footwear