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39 Freaky Circus Finds

From Creepy Clown Couture to Menacing Mimes

— March 2, 2010 — Art & Design
Disclaimer: If you are afraid of clowns in any way, do not open this cluster. Uh oh, too late! There are many people who as kids had an intense fear of clowns or anything from a carnival for that matter. Though I never experienced that fear as a child, I think I am beginning to develop one now after putting together this collection of freaky circus finds.

I realize now clowns are evil and if they say otherwise, they are simply trying to deceive you. Not Ronald McDonald though -- he is simply a delight.

Just do yourself a favor and don't make these freaky circus finds the last thing you read before you go to bed.
The KGB Super Bowl Ad is Hilarious
Sideshow Performography
Sideshow Performography
Chris Zedano 'Staple Street' Collection Captures Colourful Characters
Circus Freaktograpy
Circus Freaktograpy
An Eclectic Arrangment of Scary Performers in 'Traume'
Spinning Stuffed Headwear
Spinning Stuffed Headwear
'Animal Friends' by Balazs Koch Will Make You Downright Dizzy
Lost Clowntography
Lost Clowntography
'The Life of Mr. Todd' by Ankit Goyal is Kind of Sad, Actually
Fire Breathing ‘Accidents'
Fire Breathing ‘Accidents'
Extreme Cirque Berzerk Promo Video
Circus Clown Accessories
Circus Clown Accessories
Nakimuli Gets Funky With Playful and Bold Bow Brooches
Circus Freak Campaigns
Circus Freak Campaigns
ADG Conference Ad Celebrates Creative Collaboration
Quirky Clowntography
Quirky Clowntography
Yigit Gunel Manipulates His Photos for Pure Entertainment
Sawing Yourself
Sawing Yourself
Gruesome Performance Art at the Bizarre Ball
Patriotic Clowntography
Patriotic Clowntography
Raif Adelberg's Wild Dreams Through the Lens
Crazy Carnival Portraitures
Crazy Carnival Portraitures
Mick Vovers Documents Outrageousness in the French Quarter
Circus Clown Accessories
Circus Clown Accessories
The Nose Necklace
Freaky Sideshow Art
Freaky Sideshow Art
Circus Museum Art Isn't For People With Clown Phobias
Circus Funerals
Circus Funerals
Clowns Attend Friend Boppo's Memorial Service in Costume
Sideshow Photography
Sideshow Photography
The Alexander Fedorov Ultima Collection Features Carnival Couture
Eccentric, Twisted Tales by Kyong Nguyen
Creepy Clown Couture
Creepy Clown Couture
The Dark Circus-Inspired Designs of Karen Segall
Unsettling Imagery
Unsettling Imagery
'Dyssomnia' by Andrey Rogach Gives Me an Uncomfortable Feeling
Underwater Clowntography
Underwater Clowntography
'Circus Underwater' Shoot by Michael Howard is Stunning
Metallic Carnival Costumes
Metallic Carnival Costumes
Astonishing Photography Captures the Eccentric Spirit Of Brazil
Burlesque Freak Shows
Burlesque Freak Shows
The Baron and Missy Macabre Keep It Interesting
Exotic Circus Shoots
Exotic Circus Shoots
'Circus' by Phu Dien Meida is a Glam Take on the Big Top
Evil Clown Obsessions
Evil Clown Obsessions
Coulrophobic Nightmares
Circus Editorials
Circus Editorials
‘Buffalo Russian Circus' Directed by Michele Malka is Deliciously Da
Naughty Sideshow Freaks
Naughty Sideshow Freaks
'The Circus' by Maciej Pestka Takes a Scandalous Look Under the Big Top
Carnival-Themed Photo Shoots
Carnival-Themed Photo Shoots
‘Brazil' by Mariano Vivanco for Dazed & Confused
Clown Wig Couture
Clown Wig Couture
Kelly Thompson's Photography Plays Around With Circus Color
Surreal Clown Shoots
Surreal Clown Shoots
Nini Gollong Styles Clowns in 'La Belote' With a Touch of Wonderland
Digital Clowntography
Digital Clowntography
Varial Studio Creates Creepy Clowns With Illustration
Menacing Mimes
Menacing Mimes
'Flying Machine Stage Fright' by Sharon Nayak Embodies Your Worst Fears
Ronald McDonald Hair
Ronald McDonald Hair
Space-Age Clown Locks in 'Alien Dolls' by Paco Peregrin & Kattaca
Freak Show Photography
Freak Show Photography
The Lyndon Wade Surrealism Collection
Circus Nightmare Photography
Circus Nightmare Photography
‘Psycho Clowns & Baby Dolls' Will Give You Bad Dreams
Bloody Clown Photography
Bloody Clown Photography
Tim Engle's 'Clowning Around' is Exactly Why I'm Scared of Clowns
Clown Fashion Editorials
Clown Fashion Editorials
Erwin Olaf's 'The Praise of Folly' for Elle Magazine
Circus-Themed Fashion Photoshoots
Circus-Themed Fashion Photoshoots
The Chicest Show On Earth
Scary Circus Characters
Scary Circus Characters
10 Evil Clown Dolls