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43 Fantastic Foldable Vehicles

From Foldable Electric Vehicles to Fast Folding Bicycles

— August 27, 2013 — Autos
When it comes to getting around town in an efficient and practical manner, having something fast and portable is key, and these fantastic foldable vehicles are offering commuters a very unique way to store their rides when not in use.

Having a source of transportation that can easily fold or pack up into a compact shape makes storing them at work or at home a much more simple and easier task. Since space is often limited in dense city centers, finding space to park your car or even your bike can be a difficult and stressful experience. That's why opting for a ride that can easily be folded into a smaller shape will make the process of commuting much more convenient.

From flexible urban bicycles to folding eco-mobiles, these foldable vehicle designs will definitely make travelling to work or anywhere on-the-go a much more adaptable experience.
Foldable Revved-Up Roadsters
Foldable Revved-Up Roadsters
Slot Mods Pack a Whole Racetrack in its Car
Simplistic Foldable Two-Wheelers
Simplistic Foldable Two-Wheelers
The Armadillo Folding Bike is Designed for Easy Riding
Fantastic Folding Eco-Mobiles
Fantastic Folding Eco-Mobiles
The Hiriko City Car is Both Bendable and Environmentally Friendly
Foldable Aircraft Awards
Foldable Aircraft Awards
The ICON Aircraft A5 Receives 2010 Red Dot Award for Design
Boxy Bikes
Boxy Bikes
The A3 Bicycle can be Carried Like a Box
Throwback Collapsible Motorcycles
Throwback Collapsible Motorcycles
Honda Motor Compo Scooter Revamps an Old Classic
Folding Full-Sized Scooters
Folding Full-Sized Scooters
The Xo2 Urban Transformer Can Be Fully Folded in 20 Seconds
Folding Booty Scooters
Folding Booty Scooters
XO Move
Foldable Eco Bikes
Foldable Eco Bikes
The Foldable Kart Bike is both Portable and Organic
Cart-Carrying Scooters
Cart-Carrying Scooters
The Getaway Foldable Vehicle is Convenient for City Commutes
Sleek Folding Sleds
Sleek Folding Sleds
Porsche Design Unveils Collapsible Aluminum Sledge
Simplistic Bendy Cycles
Simplistic Bendy Cycles
The ROTA Bike Features a Painless Folding Procedure
Folding Cargo Bikes
Folding Cargo Bikes
The Green Canguro Urban Utility Cycle Delivers the Goods
Folding Automaker Bicycles
Folding Automaker Bicycles
The MINI Folding Bike is the perfect MINI Cooper Complement
Fold-Up Electrobikes
Fold-Up Electrobikes
Put the Motorized VW bik.e Where Your Spare Tire Would Be
Folding Bike Carts
Folding Bike Carts
The Ville Bicycle Shopping Cart Lets You Transport Your Purchases Home
Tool-Inspired Eco Bikes
Tool-Inspired Eco Bikes
This Foldable Electric Bike Comes From Swiss Company Volitude
Foldable Electric Vehicles
Foldable Electric Vehicles
The Armadillo-T Car Folds into Itself When Not in Use to Save Space
Folding Eco-Trikes
Folding Eco-Trikes
The X-Frame Eliminates the Need for a Parking Space
Chic Folding Bicycles
Chic Folding Bicycles
The 'One' Actually Looks Fantastic
Lounge Chair Concept Cars
Lounge Chair Concept Cars
The P.F.U.V. Concept Car Folds to Save Space
Fast Folding Bicycles
Fast Folding Bicycles
The 'Tern' Eclipse X20 & Swoop Duo Bikes Have Won the 2012 Eurobike Award
Portable Powered Bicycles
Portable Powered Bicycles
BlueSkyBike Boasts a Plethora of Features from Foldability to Electrics
25 lb Folding Bikes
25 lb Folding Bikes
The Strida Mas Special
Collapsible Electric Cycles
Collapsible Electric Cycles
The TwoQuater Bike is a Portable and Easily-Stored Means of Transport
Hybrid E-Bike Scooters
Hybrid E-Bike Scooters
The SSIKE Folding Bike is Light on Weight and on the Wallet
Ultralight Pseudo-Scooters (UPDATE)
Ultralight Pseudo-Scooters (UPDATE)
YikeBike is Now on the Market for an Efficient Commute
Futuristic Origami Bikes
Futuristic Origami Bikes
The CIB City Bike Uses 'Jack-Knife' Folding Technique
Ultra Compact Scooters
Ultra Compact Scooters
The EVO Scooter is Lightweight and Easy to Store
Front-Wheel Drive Folding Bikes
Front-Wheel Drive Folding Bikes
The Diamove from David Damshek is Penny Farthing-Inspired
Folding Supercars
Folding Supercars
The Striking BRB Evolution Can Fold in Half to Snag a Parking Spot
Futuristic Folding E-Bikes
Futuristic Folding E-Bikes
The MOVEO Scooter Folds for Convenient Carrying and Storage
Razor-Thin Folding Cycles
Razor-Thin Folding Cycles
The Azor Bicycle Makes Fixies Look Fat
Foldable Motor Homes
Foldable Motor Homes
The SwissRoomBox is a Budget Travel Necessity
Insect-Inspired Transformer Bikes
Insect-Inspired Transformer Bikes
Grasshopper Bicycle
Transformer Go-Karts
Transformer Go-Karts
Slick ‘10 Inches' Merges Go-Kart and Skateboard
Compact Folding Bikes
Compact Folding Bikes
Le Pliable from Saul Maret is a Travel-Sized Two-Wheeler
Foldable Electrified Bicycles
Foldable Electrified Bicycles
The Timothy Daw 'Pulse' Bike Will Supercharge Your Commute
Elliptical Electric Vehicles
Elliptical Electric Vehicles
The Veu Instantly Goes from Tricycle to Rolling Trolley
Compact Retractable Bikes
Compact Retractable Bikes
The Union Folding Bicycle is Convenient in Every Form
Foldable Superboats
Foldable Superboats
The Origami Yacht Makes Boating a 360 Degree Experience
Flexible Urban Bicycles
Flexible Urban Bicycles
The Whale-Inspired Orcinus E-Bike Offers a Sea of Convenient Features
Exceptionally Flexible Bicycles
Exceptionally Flexible Bicycles
The MORI Folding Bike Can Be Customized and Conforms to Your Needs