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25 Flame-Quenching Extinguishers

From CO2 Guns to Pixelated Incident Pistols

— August 15, 2012 — Autos
This collection of flame-quenching extinguishers shows how even the most vital of life-saving devices need to be revamped to sport a more contemporary look.

The essential flashy-red tube topped with a silver handle is recognized by almost everyone as the standard for the commercial fire extinguisher. However, in today’s era where such an accessory will not mesh well with the home’s overarching decor theme, there is a need for an image overhaul, in an attempt to encourage more people to store them safely in their homes. Some examples of such contraptions include floral fire extinguishers (which look like wall art), simplified flame-fighters (which look like high-tech vacuums) and gun-shaped quenchers (which could be mistaken for a child’s toy).

Although it is nice to have spiced up variations of the standard device, perhaps it should be left the way it originally was. Some of us won't know that the fake flower decor on the wall is useful in case of fire.
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Silver Screen Flame Quenchers
Silver Screen Flame Quenchers
Franklin Gaw's Fire Extinguisher is Designed for Blockbuster Fires
Floral Fire Extinguishers
Floral Fire Extinguishers
Japanese Company Offers Fire-Drowning Flowers for Kitchens
Multi-Use Flame Fighters
Multi-Use Flame Fighters
The Fire Formula Lets You Control the Mixture of Water and Co2
Pixelated Incident Pistols
Pixelated Incident Pistols
The '8-Bit Emergency' Defense Requires Duck Hunt Skills
Hourglass Fire Extinguishers
Hourglass Fire Extinguishers
The Turn Over Extinguisher is Less Likely to Expire
Stench Quenchers
Stench Quenchers
The Fart Extinguisher is a Life-Saving Air Freshener
Hand-Held Flame Extinguishers
Hand-Held Flame Extinguishers
The J & R Fire PFE-1 Safety Device is the First of its Kind
Contemporary Flame Fighters
Contemporary Flame Fighters
The Flameingo Fire Extinguisher is Designed to Be Displayed
Simplified Flame-Fighters
Simplified Flame-Fighters
The Fire Extinguisher for Dummies is Sleek and Promises to Save Lives
Unusable Art Tools
Unusable Art Tools
Fabrica Submits Glass Fire Extinguishers & More to Paris ToolsGalerie
Gun-Shaped Flame Quenchers
Gun-Shaped Flame Quenchers
The DryShot Fire Extinguisher Can Also Act as a Self-Defense Weapon
Intelligent Fire Extinguishers
Intelligent Fire Extinguishers
The FINE Detects & Puts Out Fire When No One is Home
Stylish Fire Extinguishers
Stylish Fire Extinguishers
The FireInvent Makes Protection Look Chic
Stylish Fire Safety Tools
Stylish Fire Safety Tools
Lansforsakringar Fire Extinguishers Encourage Home Owner Security
Cheeky Self Preservation Methods
Cheeky Self Preservation Methods
Fire Extinguisher Beer
Fire Extinguisher Phones
Fire Extinguisher Phones
Play Pranks and Make Calls on This Cheeky Safety Device
Extinguished Alcohol Branding
Extinguished Alcohol Branding
Fire Fighter Vodka Packaging Was Designed for Emergency Socials
Fire-Extinguishing Grenades
Fire-Extinguishing Grenades
The Throwable Nagekesu Sat 119 Offers a Simple Way to Tame Fires
Fashionable Fire Extinguishers
Fashionable Fire Extinguishers
Fire Design Makes Pretty Flame Protection
CO2 Guns
CO2 Guns
The Fire Extinguisher Shooter
Flame-Dousing Drink Branding
Flame-Dousing Drink Branding
Champagne Extinguisher Packaging Will Cool the Fire Inside You
Fashionable Firefighting
Fashionable Firefighting
Patterned Fire Extinguishers from Flame Design Make Fighting Fires Hot
Fiery Food Flasks
Fiery Food Flasks
The Glugg Thirst Extinguisher Water Bottle Rescues You from Spicy Snacks
Super-Sized Fire Extinguishers
Super-Sized Fire Extinguishers
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Fire Extinguisher Guns
Fire Extinguisher Guns
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