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39 Finds Worthy of Mad Max

From Modern Medieval Weaponry to Road Warrior Vehicles

— July 28, 2014 — Autos
The highly anticipated trailer for 'Mad Max: Fury Road' was recently revealed at Comic-Con in San Diego and in honor, a compilation of finds worthy of Mad Max has been put together. The gritty and desolate dystopian trilogy from the late 70s and early 80s inspired quite a few spinoffs including fashion, weapons and, of course, cars. Fierce and rough, these creations will get people even more amped for the futuristic film, which is set to hit theaters in 2015.

From custom steampunk motorcycles to real life cyborgs and sequined desert photoshoots, these finds worthy of Mad Max may range in categories, but they all have the dark and edgy elements in common. It wouldn't be surprising if more pop up along the way.
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Destructive Dystopian Video Games
Destructive Dystopian Video Games
The Mad Max Video Game Centers on Vehicular Combat
Pale Wasteland Photography
Pale Wasteland Photography
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Avant-Garde Anarchist Captures
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Mad Max Campouts
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Rad Road Warrior Waistcoats
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LED Roadsters
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End Days Entertainment
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Mad Max Motorcycles
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Chopper RVs
Chopper RVs
BadAss Camping Gear
Mad Max Motorbikes
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Road Warrior Vehicles
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