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25 Faux Explosives

From Ticking Bomb Tees to Grenade Lingerie

— December 3, 2009 — Art & Design
Design is no stranger to controversy and in this post 9-11 world, faux explosives are garnering a lot of attention. Whether it is just cheeky fun or really tapping into our increased interest in things that go boom, one thing is for sure: we really like our faux explosives. Bombs of all kinds are emerging as everything but ticking time bombs-we’re sure this trend is making life a little harder for security guards and emergency services everywhere.
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Designer Landmines
Designer Landmines
‘This World of Mine' Awareness Campaign
Bomb-Shaped Banks
Bomb-Shaped Banks
Save and Blow Your Cash at the Same Time
Kitchen-Sink Bombs
Kitchen-Sink Bombs
The Next Wave of Terrorism?
MP3 Bombs
MP3 Bombs
This Musical Hand Grenade is the New BOOMbox
Mine-Shaped Tub Accessories
Mine-Shaped Tub Accessories
'Bath Bomb' by Mukomelov
Ticking Bomb Tees
Ticking Bomb Tees
The Hundreds Collaborate with Brooklyn Projects to Create Explosive Fashion
Bomb Design
Bomb Design
This USB is a Weapon of Mass Storage
Wine-Pouring Blowfish
Wine-Pouring Blowfish
The Whimsical Sake Bomb by Alexander Purcell
Explosive Lighting
Explosive Lighting
These Bomb and Dynamite Candles Will Blow Your Mind
Grenade Oil Lamp
Grenade Oil Lamp
Piet Houtenbos Makes Art from Army Surplus
Explosive Advertising
Explosive Advertising
Cierto Express Shows Mustard & Ketchup as Grenade & Bomb
Eco-Friendly Bathing
Eco-Friendly Bathing
LUSH Bath Bombs Now More Green
Still Life Grenades
Still Life Grenades
Adam Stennett Still Life Art is Captivating
Gift-Wrapped Grenades
Gift-Wrapped Grenades
Shadi Ghadirian's 'White Square' Shows War Tied in a Bow
Egg Bombs
Egg Bombs
Studio Pirsc's Mina Egg Cup Looks Like a Grenade
Painted Hand Grenades & Bullets
Painted Hand Grenades & Bullets
Army Trash Makes Fashion, Not War
Grenade Lingerie
Grenade Lingerie
Explosive Thigh Highs Bring Danger to the Bedroom
Explosive Accessories
Explosive Accessories
The Grenade Wristwatch
Grenade Piggy Banks
Grenade Piggy Banks
Military-Inspired Ceramics Keep Your Change Secure
Real Weapons as Computer Gadgets
Real Weapons as Computer Gadgets
Grenade Mouse
Artistic Grenades
Artistic Grenades
Decorative War Tools from DaWanda Make Aggression Stylish
Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock
Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock
Shakes Your Bed and Screams over 110 db
Bomb Alarm Clocks
Bomb Alarm Clocks
You Disarm it to hit Snooze!
Explosive Furniture
Explosive Furniture
Grenade Drawers
Explosive Body Art
Explosive Body Art
Tattoos Inked With A Bang