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21 Examples of Sleep-Oriented Toys

From Womb-Mimicking Dolls to Toddler-Tracking Teddies

— July 14, 2014 — Life-Stages
These examples of sleep-oriented toys show just how practical designers and companies have become when creating playthings for children. Targeting adults as much as kids, these innovations knock two birds with one stone in that they provide a fun distraction for the latter while also encouraging them to fall asleep almost immediately.

Many of these examples of sleep-oriented toys focus on multi-sensory elements to provide a soothing and safe environment for the child. For instance, the Womb Doll mimics the sounds of a mother's womb for newborns while the Twilight Turtle Tunes projects colorful lights to turns dark room ceilings starry night skies. Other toys help parents track their children's sleeping habits to ensure they get the best rest they can.
News-Focused Storybook Apps
News-Focused Storybook Apps
This Bedtime Storybook App Presents Daily News Stories to Kids
Slumbering Cuddle Toys
Slumbering Cuddle Toys
The Shnoozle Sleep-Time Plush Lulls Children into Dreamland
Soothing Sea Star Illuminators
Soothing Sea Star Illuminators
Cloud b's Multi-Sensory Toy Provides Relaxing Sights and Sounds
Bedtime Frog Toys
Bedtime Frog Toys
The Twinkling Firefly Frog Toy by Cloud B Soothes Kids into Sleep
Soothing Owl Toys
Soothing Owl Toys
Cloud B's Nighty Night Owl Guides Babies and Kids Back to Sleep
Crooning Cuddly Creature Toys
Crooning Cuddly Creature Toys
The Mini Talking Chewie is a Fun-Sized Version of Chewbacca
Worry-Free Cuddlers
Worry-Free Cuddlers
Boo Boo Dolls Helps Children Sleep at Night with Ease
Womb-Mimicking Dolls
Womb-Mimicking Dolls
These Winnie the Pooh Infant Toys Mimic Mom Organs to Help Babies Sleep
Slithery Snake Flashlights
Slithery Snake Flashlights
The Curl and Coil Snake Light is Illumination Wrapped Around Your Hand
Sleep Therapy Dolls
Sleep Therapy Dolls
The Hug and Dream Minnie Mouse Soothes with Its Breathing Motion
Multi-Sensory Turtle Toys
Multi-Sensory Turtle Toys
Cloud b's Twilight Turtle Tunes Helps to Provide a Restful Sleep
Organic Glowing Plushies
Organic Glowing Plushies
These Doudou Veilleuse Toys Help Kids and the Environment
Toddler-Tracking Teddies
Toddler-Tracking Teddies
Tedi is a Hi-Tech Toy That Keeps an Eye on a Child's Development
Superhero 3D Lights
Superhero 3D Lights
Your Kid Can Fall Asleep to the Glow of the Iron Man Hand 3D Nightlight
Calming Philanthropic Pillows
Calming Philanthropic Pillows
Herbal Animals Are Made From Naturally Occurring Materials
LED Pentagram Cushions
LED Pentagram Cushions
The Light Up Star Pillow by Amico is Glow-in-the-Dark and Charming
Playful Customized Forts
Playful Customized Forts
Nothing Says Fun Quite Like the Fort Factory Fort Building Kit
Music-Playing Teddy Bears
Music-Playing Teddy Bears
Cuddletunes Brings Music Players to Cute Cuddly Teddy Bears
Adorable Animal Sleepers
Adorable Animal Sleepers
Pillow Pets Will Make the Perfect Present this Holiday Season
Magnified Storybook Sleepers
Magnified Storybook Sleepers
Child's Play by Yusuke Suzuki is a Novel Nighttime Refuge
Orbiting Planet Toys
Orbiting Planet Toys
Explore the Wonders of Space with the 'Solar System in My Room' Toy