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45 Emotion-Fueled Editorials

From Emotional Break-Up Photography to Anxiety Awareness Editorials

— June 3, 2015 — Fashion
These emotion-fueled editorials are filled with distress and heartache. It is often difficult to be expressive through words and actions but photography can be used as an outlet to release these emotions and find a balance between acceptance and understanding.

Katie Crawford depicted her anxiety disorder through an emotional series of self-portraits. It was the only way that she could convey her feelings and express herself to others without being unclear. Visual exposure to pain and confusion can often be more acceptable and easily understood than any group of words strung together.

Emotion-fueled editorials shed light on intimate situations that are either not accepted or simply ignored by society. This does not mean that the feelings don't exist and through the art of photography, a rise in social awareness can be obtained.
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Heartwarming Elderly Dance Films
Brownlee Tugs Heartstrings in A Film About a Dance-Loving Elderly
New Father Portraits
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Desolate Fall Editorials
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Fragmented Female Portraits
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Anxiety Awareness Editorials
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Postpartum Body Photography
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