From Bamboo E-Bikes to All-Natural Baby Bikes
City transportation takes dual form as eco-friendly wooden bicycles. Handcrafted bicycles are appearing on streets and in urban communities. They make an incredibly eye-pleasing display as they zoom by. Often wood can be used as an alternative lightweight material opposed to traditional metal bike frames.
Metal frames can be harmful to the environment because they are put through a long process of manufacturing welding, melting and polluting the air. Bikes such as bamboo tricycles eliminate this process; the tricycle is made as organically as possible using only wood and ropes and there were no chemicals added to the wood. This means these trikes will likely decay over time. However, there are alternatives for sustaining eco-friendly wooden bicycles or even refurbishing it.
The beautiful simplicity of a minimalist wooden bicycle is very appealing to the modern lifestyle.
Metal frames can be harmful to the environment because they are put through a long process of manufacturing welding, melting and polluting the air. Bikes such as bamboo tricycles eliminate this process; the tricycle is made as organically as possible using only wood and ropes and there were no chemicals added to the wood. This means these trikes will likely decay over time. However, there are alternatives for sustaining eco-friendly wooden bicycles or even refurbishing it.
The beautiful simplicity of a minimalist wooden bicycle is very appealing to the modern lifestyle.