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30 Pieces of Easy Grip Kitchenware

From Flexible Kitchen Implements to Palm-Fitted Food Servers

— July 9, 2013 — Art & Design
Preparing food in the kitchen doesn't come without its fair share of cuts and spills, but if you're looking to acquire some items that will help make the process flow more easily, then these easy grip kitchenware items will certainly help you out.

Whether you're peeling a piece of fruit or trying to juggle carrying multiple plates at a time, the prospect of loosing your grip and having everything spill is often a stressful thought. These easy grip kitchenware items however, have been designed with handy features that will help make holding these items much more convenient. From serving trays that you can humorously put your thumb through to food graters that fit around your fingers, these easy grip kitchenware items will certainly have you feeling more confident in the kitchen.
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Multifunctional Heat-Proof Place Mats
Multifunctional Heat-Proof Place Mats
Micro Easy Grab Saves You From Pain in the Kitchen
Udderly Handy Dishes
Udderly Handy Dishes
The MooM Bowl is Formally Adapted to Meet More Natrual Eating Practices
Exquisitely Redesigned Scissors
Exquisitely Redesigned Scissors
Saxo Scissors are a Sculptural Reinvention Inspired by Necessity
Scenic Glass-Gripping Bands
Scenic Glass-Gripping Bands
These Animalistic Bands Give You Easy Grip on Bottles and Glass Cups
Double-Spouted Juice Jugs
Double-Spouted Juice Jugs
The Quirky Duo Pitcher Improves Passing at the Breakfast Table
Sticky Food Finger Tongs
Sticky Food Finger Tongs
These Wearable Finger Tongs Keep Your Hands Clean
Grippy Rind Graters
Grippy Rind Graters
The PalmZester Fits on Your Hand to More Effectively Tackle Fruit
Cartoon Kitty Chopsticks
Cartoon Kitty Chopsticks
The Hello Kitty Training Chopsticks are Easy to Use
Painless Grocery Bag Rings
Painless Grocery Bag Rings
The One Trip Grip Device Makes Grocery Shopping Less Painful
Handy Graspable Dishes
Handy Graspable Dishes
The Holdaplate Makes it Possible to Clutch Food and Drink in One Hand
Fingertip Puppet Cutlery
Fingertip Puppet Cutlery
Finger Sporks by Archie McPhee Will Redefine How You Eat Food
Sticky Jar Openers
Sticky Jar Openers
'Open Says Me' Unscrews Difficult Jars in No Time
Clasping Cutlery Tools
Clasping Cutlery Tools
Get a Grip on Food With the SL27 Link
Palm-Fitted Food Servers
Palm-Fitted Food Servers
The Buddha Bowl Ergonomically Contours to Users' Hands
Donut-Shaped Dishes
Donut-Shaped Dishes
The Bagel Plate Enables You to Eat One-Handed with a Cup Sitting Snugly Inside
Spherical Spice Dispensers
Spherical Spice Dispensers
Salt + Pepper Squeezers Make Seasoning a More Tactile Experience
Finger-Sleeved Kitchen Tools
Finger-Sleeved Kitchen Tools
This Cooking Utensil Comes in Three Parts for Three Separate Fingers
Thumb Hole Serving Trays
Thumb Hole Serving Trays
Get a Good Grip on Your Appetizers with the Small Talk Snack Dish
Urban Weapon Kitchen Utensils
Urban Weapon Kitchen Utensils
The Brass Knuckle Tenderizer is Tough Enough to Tenderize Any Meat
Designs for Clumsy Servers
Designs for Clumsy Servers
Finger-Grooved 'Drink Tray' Helps Balance Martinis
Sophisticated Pizza Utensils
Sophisticated Pizza Utensils
The 'NyFork' Will Make Even Your Greasiest Meals Look Classy
Easy Grip Peelers
Easy Grip Peelers
The Rotary Peeler by Joseph Joseph Features Three Blades in One
Scraping Seasoning Extractors
Scraping Seasoning Extractors
The Garlic Press' Gets More Out of Your Ingredients with Less Mess
Curved Blade Cutting Boards
Curved Blade Cutting Boards
The Compact Herb Chopper is Stylish and Ergonomically Easy
Slotted Cup Sleeves
Slotted Cup Sleeves
The Vario Cup Holder Turns Disposable Demitasses into Grippable Glasses
Contorted Coffee Cup Handles
Contorted Coffee Cup Handles
The Kruzhkus Mug is Ergonomically Designed to Be Held With One Finger
Flexible Kitchen Implements
Flexible Kitchen Implements
The String Strainer Effectively Drains Edibles with Expandable Slits
Inset Mug Sleeves
Inset Mug Sleeves
The Dreps Porcelain Cup Has a Mod Visual Accent that Protects Hands from Heat
Protruding Finger Cups
Protruding Finger Cups
The Finger Coffee Mug by Kinaceramicdesign Replaces Handles with Fingers