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50 Dynamic Drinking Cups

From Lip-Locking Coffee Cups to Beer-Concealing Cups

— September 14, 2015 — Art & Design
These dynamic drinking cups demonstrate the ability to take simple everyday objects and through efficient design, drastically improve their functionality.

Cups serve a basic yet necessary function -- and with some ingenuity, a lot of designers have improved on this drinking fundamental. In terms of functionality, cups have been improved in a multitude of ways -- ranging from anti-slip cups to designs that can be used right-side-up or upside down.

A big innovation comes in the form of design, making it possible to appeal to a fandom or send a positive message. Whether you're expressing your love for Adventure Time with a cult cartoon cup or establishing yourself as a Harry Potter fan with divination-inspired vessels, you can find plenty of cups to express your interests.
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Anti-Slip Cups
Anti-Slip Cups
The 'Grip Cup' is Ideal for Holding Beverages Firmly in Hand
Fruit-Infused Chocolate Cups
Fruit-Infused Chocolate Cups
This Salted Caramel Dessert is a Healthy Take on a Peanut Butter Cup
Colorful Patriotic Shooters
Colorful Patriotic Shooters
These 4th of July Drinks are Perfect for Celebrating Independence Day
Pearly White Toothbrush Cups
Pearly White Toothbrush Cups
This Toothbrush Holder by Dylan Kendall Features a Row of Chompers
Sci-Fi Sippy Cups
Sci-Fi Sippy Cups
This Doctor Who Travel Cup is Great for Journeying Through the Galaxy
Kitschy Unicorn Mugs
Kitschy Unicorn Mugs
This Unicorn Mug Publically Declares Your Belief in the Mythical Pony
Cat-Themed Co-Pilot Cups
Cat-Themed Co-Pilot Cups
This Star Wars Mug Features a Wookie Kitty Inspired by Chewbacca
Caped Crusader Cups
Caped Crusader Cups
The Bat Signal on This Forbidden Planet Batman Mug is Sensitive to Heat
Surly Lyrical Mugs
Surly Lyrical Mugs
The IDFWU Mug Encourages People to Give You Your Space
Childlike Dishware Collections
Childlike Dishware Collections
Chi Chi's Colorful Tableware is Sold in a Functional Set
Writer-Targeted Coffee Cups
Writer-Targeted Coffee Cups
This Motivational Mug Uses Cussing as a Productivity Strategy
Handmade Cup Cozies
Handmade Cup Cozies
Nawanowe's Cup Cozy Resembles a Knitted Wool Sweater
Puzzling Coffee Cups
Puzzling Coffee Cups
The Crossword Puzzle Mug is For People Who Enjoy Word Games and Hot Beverages
Biodegradable Travel Cups
Biodegradable Travel Cups
Fred's Sipping Container is a Green Way to Take Your Drink with You
Engagement Ring-Styled Mugs
Engagement Ring-Styled Mugs
This 2-Carat Ring-Style Cup Romanticizes Coffee Drinking
Brewing Rocketship Mugs
Brewing Rocketship Mugs
This Coffee Dripper Mug Attachment is Shaped Like a Space Ship
Alien Egg Cups
Alien Egg Cups
The Egg 51 Dish Serves Up an Extraterrestrial Spread for Breakfast
Beer-Concealing Cups
Beer-Concealing Cups
Lolo Lids Makes Drinking Beer Out of a Coffee Cup a Covert Affair
Stylish Kids Dishware
Stylish Kids Dishware
The 'Bambino Kids Set' is Sleek and Sophisticated
Japanese-Inspired Beer Sets
Japanese-Inspired Beer Sets
The Mazama Beer Set Collection is Bound to Get You Compliments
Superhero Batwing Cups
Superhero Batwing Cups
You Can Enjoy Your Coffee Like Batman With the Thumbs Up! Bat Mug
Collapsible Eco Mugs
Collapsible Eco Mugs
This Smashing Travel Cup Design is Better for the Environment and Leak-Proof
3D-Printed Cups
3D-Printed Cups
The Bholdable Tumbler by Bhold Design Keeps Drinks Hot and Fingers Cool
Face-Shaped Coffee Lids
Face-Shaped Coffee Lids
The 'Kiss' Coffee Lid Lets Users Get Intimiate with Morning Java
Stylishly Stackable Cups
Stylishly Stackable Cups
The SOPP Glasses are Easy to Hold and Stockpile in Your Kitchen
Particle Physics Mugs
Particle Physics Mugs
These Unique Cups Visually Explain the Higgs Boson Protons
Comic Book Coffee Cups
Comic Book Coffee Cups
Entertainment Earth's Thor's Hammer Mug Makes a Great Gift for the Holidays
Romantic Fantasy Mugs
Romantic Fantasy Mugs
This Ceramic Mug Commemorates Jon Snow and Ygriette’s Relationship
Bottle-Opening Mugs
Bottle-Opening Mugs
These Beer Mugs Have a Convenient Built-In Bottle Opener on the Bottom
Cult Cartoon Cups
Cult Cartoon Cups
This Molded Adventure Time Mug is Shaped Like the Character Lumpy Space Princess
Romantic Galaxy Mugs
Romantic Galaxy Mugs
These Han Solo and Princess Leia Mugs Capture the Couple's Love
Adventurist Clay Cups
Adventurist Clay Cups
The Mazama Wares Camp Cup is Inspired by Traditional Enamel Dishes
Self-Boasting Coffee Cups
Self-Boasting Coffee Cups
This Coffee Brand Bluntly Voices Its Great-Tasting Coffee on Its Labels
Divination Omen Cups
Divination Omen Cups
Etsy User Crucify Created This Fortunate Harry Potter-Inspired Grim Teacup
Minimalist Ceramic Collections
Minimalist Ceramic Collections
Vipp Modernizes Kitchenware Using Unconventional Materials
Gamer Console Mugs
Gamer Console Mugs
This Adventure Time Cup is Shaped Like the Character BMO
Mischievous Marauder Mugs
Mischievous Marauder Mugs
This Stackable Harry Potter Mug Set has a Marauder's Map Theme
Wooden Cocktail Cups
Wooden Cocktail Cups
These Modern Wooden Cups Add a Playful Sophistication to Home Bars
Topsy Turvy Coffee Mugs
Topsy Turvy Coffee Mugs
This Space-Saving Flippable Coffee and Espresso Cup Pulls Double Duty
Anime Heroine Tea Sets
Anime Heroine Tea Sets
Sailor Moon Inspired This Magically Decorated Tea Cup and Saucer Set
Lip-Locking Coffee Cups
Lip-Locking Coffee Cups
Coffee Kiss Packaging Places a Pair of Smoochers Into the Lid
Tree-Transforming Mugs
Tree-Transforming Mugs
This Heat Sensitive Cherry Blossom Mug Changes Depending on Temperature
Contemporary Ceramic Cups
Contemporary Ceramic Cups
Creates Tasteful Tumblers Out of Clay
Flask-Attached Mugs
Flask-Attached Mugs
The Perpetual Kid Extra Shot Coffee Mug Makes Your Morning Cup Extra Hip
DIY Watercolor Mugs
DIY Watercolor Mugs
Give Your White Ceramic Mugs an Artistic Makeover With Nail Polish
Transformative Gamer Cups
Transformative Gamer Cups
These Heat Change Mugs From ThinkGeek Have a Retro Video Game Theme
Expressive Coffee Cups
Expressive Coffee Cups
Gawatt Cartoon Coffee Cups Feature Interchangeable Cups and Sleeves
Cultured Beer Glasses
Cultured Beer Glasses
These Unique Beer Glasses are Smart and Stunningly Designed
Galactic Kitchen Collections
Galactic Kitchen Collections
The Star Wars Kitchen Accessories Keep Fandom All Over the House
Rubber Wine Glasses
Rubber Wine Glasses
The Spruce Silicone Wine Glasses Won't Break if You Accidentally Drop Them