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25 DNA & Art Fusions

DNA, Genetics and Biometrics Inspire New Art and Design

— November 20, 2010 — Art & Design
DNA and art fusions are everywhere -- from jewelry design to wall-map paintings based on genomes. The fields of DNA, genetics and biometrics have grown exponentially in recent years, so it should come as no surprise that scientific discoveries have influenced the work of artists and designers worldwide.

Check out the inspired designs in the gallery and you'll see some of this amazing creativity.

Implications - Technology and art are two differing fields that can produce amazing products when combined together. Consumers react positively to products or services that allow them to use both hemispheres of their brain. Businesses should consider upholding aesthetic along with their technologically advanced products and services.
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Ingenious Genetic Art
Ingenious Genetic Art
The DNA Ancestry Portraits Detail Your Maternal Lineage
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Fleeting Knowledge Ads
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Microscopic Light Pipes
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Internet Broadcast Of The Human Genome
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DNA GloFrame
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Mobile Phone Bracelets
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Smell Yourself Sexy
Genetic Sequencing Art
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DNA Tattoos
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