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77 Macho DIY Activities for Men

From DIY HDTV Antennae to DIY Travellings Bars

— August 28, 2013 — Art & Design
While arts and crafts are often considered a very female-centric activity, these DIY activities for men are showcasing that there are a wide variety of projects available that the male demographic will surely find appealing and worthwhile.

While there are certainly a plethora of DIY activities that allow individuals to create their own customized apparel pieces or home furnishings, these DIY activities for men feature much more rugged and manly projects that will surely attract any auto enthusiast or gaming fanatic. A great way to encourage men to become more handy and creative around the house, these DIY activities will certainly have men feeling like they can accomplish anything they set their minds to.

From upcycled hammer hooks to recycled beer bottle couches, these DIY activities are offering some rugged and rustic activities that men will surely appreciate.
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DIY Plush Gamer Gear
DIY Plush Gamer Gear
This Tutorial Explains How to Create Custom Game Controllers
DIY Game-Inspired Sweets
DIY Game-Inspired Sweets
The Nintendo Inspired '1-Up Ring Pops' are Clever and Cute
Shipping Toy Blocks
Shipping Toy Blocks
'Herman Miller Japan' Gets Playful For Tots
Home Beer-Making Sets
Home Beer-Making Sets
The Norther Brewer Starter Kit Offers a Good Excuse to Stay Indoors
Batman-Aspiring Grass Choppers
Batman-Aspiring Grass Choppers
The Batmobile Lawn Mower is Pretty Epic
Retro Gamer Lighting
Retro Gamer Lighting
The Atari Lamp Illuminates the Dark World of Video Games
DIY Ice Beer Trays
DIY Ice Beer Trays
The Solid Ice Beer Holder Keeps Your Beer as Cold as the Rockies
DIY Tossable Toys
DIY Tossable Toys
This DIY Wooden Frisbee Adds a Little Charm to This Outdoor Activity
DIY Gaming Gear
DIY Gaming Gear
Geektastic Gamer Creates Life-Size Katamari Controller
DIY Root Beer
DIY Root Beer
The Mr. RootBeer Kit Serves Pop Lovers All Over the Globe
Mobile Gamer Laptops
Mobile Gamer Laptops
Ben Heck Has Created the XBox 360 Slim Portable for $6,000
Geometrically Curved Illuminators
Geometrically Curved Illuminators
Andreu Carulla Recycles Materials to Make a Ceiling Lamp Design
DIY Electric Autos
DIY Electric Autos
The MME Concept Car Has Some Assembly Required
Epically Customized Board Games
Epically Customized Board Games
The Fallout Monopoly Board is the Ultimate Geeky Gift
DIY Beer Brewing Kits
DIY Beer Brewing Kits
The BrewSmith Kit Lets Beer Lovers Brew Their Own Ales at Home
Vintage Fashion Chairs
Vintage Fashion Chairs
Dr. Romanelli's RX Collection Turns Old Fabric Into New Style
Train Set Tables
Train Set Tables
A Piece IKEA Furniture Gets Playfully Remixed
Beer Bottle Xylophones
Beer Bottle Xylophones
Sam Gensburg's 'Southern Bells' is Entertaining on Many Levels
Uniquely Upcycled Hammer Hooks
Uniquely Upcycled Hammer Hooks
These Creative Coat Racks are Made of Old and Unused Tools
Retro Gamer Playsets
Retro Gamer Playsets
DeerDot's Super Mario Dollhouse is Cute
DIY Eco-Coolers
DIY Eco-Coolers
Tree Stump Cooler
DIY Belted Camera Straps
DIY Belted Camera Straps
Lomography Get Stylish with this Vintage-Looking Leather Camera Holder
DIY Tetris Ties
DIY Tetris Ties
The 'LED Tetris Tie' Lets You Walk Around While Displaying a Game of Tetris
DIY Solar Brewers
DIY Solar Brewers
The Beer Can Solar Heater Lowers Heating Bills
DIY Mini Paper Trucks
DIY Mini Paper Trucks
These Easy-to-Make Paper Cruisers Will Add Flair to Your Office Space
DIY Booze Branding
DIY Booze Branding
Put Your Stamp on a Brewskie with the Labeley Custom Beer Labels
DIY Wine Barrel Tables
DIY Wine Barrel Tables
Transform Any Space into a Luxe Lounge Using Reclaimed Wine Containers
Two-by-Four Thrones
Two-by-Four Thrones
Garden Chair from Stirling Tschan Commands Respect
DIY HDTV Antennae
DIY HDTV Antennae
HollyMann Creates Something More Than Your Typical Rabbit Ears
Upcycled-Auto Gaming Gear
Upcycled-Auto Gaming Gear
This Mini Cooper Multimedia Chair Has Everything For Entertainment
DIY Eco-Mobiles
DIY Eco-Mobiles
The Modified ‘Aero' Civic Gets 95 MPG
Scrap Metal Sports Cars
Scrap Metal Sports Cars
A Team of Designers Created a Make-Your-Own Lamborghini from Junkyard Find
Uber Geeky Food DIY
Uber Geeky Food DIY
Nintendo "1UP Mushroom" Burger
Pixelated Toy Brick Tables
Pixelated Toy Brick Tables
'Hey! A LEGO Table' Creates an 8-Bit Serving Surface
8-Bit Gamer Seating
8-Bit Gamer Seating
Create Your Own Pixellated Minecraft Design Lawn Chair
Screw Head Keyrings
Screw Head Keyrings
The Screw Key Attaches to Keychains to Help Make Quick Fixes
Recycled Boozy Spaceships
Recycled Boozy Spaceships
The Beer Can Model Fighter is an X-Wing Made Out of Kaiser
Insane DIY Cosplay
Insane DIY Cosplay
Nathan Sharratt's Bioshock 2 Big Sister Suit is a Feat of Extreme Engineering
Custom Cartridge Urinals
Custom Cartridge Urinals
The Nintendo Video Game Urinal is a Gamer's Dream Bathroom Project
DIY Traveling Bars
DIY Traveling Bars
The Beer Bike is a Unique Bar on Wheels
Recycled Packaging DIY
Recycled Packaging DIY
FedEx Furniture
Auto Rim Sculptures
Auto Rim Sculptures
Car Parts Get Upcycled into Art Pieces
DIY Robots from Aluminum Cans
DIY Robots from Aluminum Cans
The Canbot Helps You Recycle, Kinda
DIY Alcoholic Countdown Calendars
DIY Alcoholic Countdown Calendars
Beer Can Advent Calendars can be Accomplished in One Afternoon
Rugged Biodegradable Seating
Rugged Biodegradable Seating
The Terra Stool by Adital Ela is Eco-Friendly and Versatile
Recycled TV Bars
Recycled TV Bars
DIY Green Liquor Storage
Auto Shop Chandeliers
Auto Shop Chandeliers
Lighting Highlights Recyclable Materials and DIY Decor
Build Your Own Sports Car
Build Your Own Sports Car
DIY Grabercar
Recyclable Ball Games
Recyclable Ball Games
The Kartoni Foosball Table is Made of Cardboard and Packs Flat for Transport
Wicked Gamer Washrooms
Wicked Gamer Washrooms
The Super Mario Bros Bathroom is a Tribute to the Little Plumber
DIY Upcycled Beer Bottles
DIY Upcycled Beer Bottles
The 'Skol Design' Kit Lets You Turn Your Beer Bottles into Furniture
Spray Can Lighting
Spray Can Lighting
This DIY Lamp is Recycled From a Used Spray Can
DIY Building Block Furniture
DIY Building Block Furniture
The LEGO Histogram Table Celebrates the Studio's 15th Anniversary
Steampunk Tree Trunk Seating
Steampunk Tree Trunk Seating
This DIY Tree Trunk Furniture is Easy to Make
Rustic Wooden Crate Planters
Rustic Wooden Crate Planters
Add a Rustic Touch to Your Indoor Plants with This Helpful Guide
DIY Wheelbarrow Benches
DIY Wheelbarrow Benches
Mobile Outdoor Seating on a Wheel
Upcycled Bathtub Seating
Upcycled Bathtub Seating
The Throne Outdoor Chair Doesn't Come with a Shower Head
Dual Purpose Dog Hideaways
Dual Purpose Dog Hideaways
The DIY Pet Crate Coffee Table is a Home in Disguise
Futuristic DIY Fantasy Armor
Futuristic DIY Fantasy Armor
Cosplayer Creates Convincing Skyrim Armor to Strike Fear into Evil
Beer Knit Sweaters
Beer Knit Sweaters
AJ Fosik Rescues Vintage Beer Label Knitted Sweaters
Circuit Board Furniture
Circuit Board Furniture
Dmaloney Makes a Coffee Table Out of Computer Parts
DIY 8-Bit Gamer Mats
DIY 8-Bit Gamer Mats
The DIY Legend of Zelda Coasters are Ideal for Video Game Parties
DIY Blackboard Furniture
DIY Blackboard Furniture
The Chalkboard Coffee Table by Jill of Most Trades is Fit for Children
Upcycled Car Scrap Benches
Upcycled Car Scrap Benches
The Tailgate Bench Utilizes Iconic Automobile Parts
Upcycled Misfit Chairs
Upcycled Misfit Chairs
Junktion Furniture is Made from Unwanted Items
Stencil Seating
Stencil Seating
The ChairKIT from Dan Civico is a DIY Furniture Project
DIY Outdoor Swing Beds
DIY Outdoor Swing Beds
This Comfortable DIY Lounger is Perfect for Relaxing Outdoors
Liquor-Lover Couches
Liquor-Lover Couches
Beer Can Art is Furniture for the Beer Lovers and the Redneck in All of Us
DIY Portable Wooden Sanctuaries
DIY Portable Wooden Sanctuaries
The Hermit Houses Offer a Remarkable Way to Enjoy Nature
DIY Cardboard Cutout Lamps
DIY Cardboard Cutout Lamps
Create These Glamorous Pendant Lights Out of Recycled Materials
DIY Tree Seats
DIY Tree Seats
The T3 Tree Chair by ZO-Loft Provides an Impromptu Outdoor Furniture Piece
DIY Larceny-Mimicking Keys
DIY Larceny-Mimicking Keys
Bird's Custom Key is Fused with a Screwdriver to Mimic Grand Theft
Ice Cooler Tables
Ice Cooler Tables
This Rustic Table From Builders Showcase Has Steel Trough
Upcycled Pallet Headboards
Upcycled Pallet Headboards
Turn an Ordinary Pallet into Chic Bedroom Decor with This Guide
Simple DIY Furniture
Simple DIY Furniture
'Breakdown Furniture' by Louis Rigano Makes Furniture Assembly Easy